Diary Entry 16: Niroko 12/9/4876

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Well, here's another Diary Entry.

I'm Niroko Ironvenge. Don't know why I just wrote that, but I did. Deal with it.

After being captured by Murn's Thieves, in a cage for about a month, and freed by the crew of the Iris Arcadia. I did some stuff. Fine, I stole the Ne'aro relic from the Thieves while the chaos was happening, gave it to my client who asked for it, got some money, sent half of it via envelope somewhere. Where you ask, don't fucking poke around. Why am I saying this, no one's gonna read my diary, right?

Anyways... I sent the money, now I travel with the Iris Arcadia to get more money, that's how money works I guess.

Well since everyone else on the ship does it I guess I'm gonna title this...

Specter of the Ship:

Sometime I wake up, and it's surprising to me for no fucking reason. Why do I have to wake up with a start. It's so frustrating.

Anyways today I slept in. I learned a couple of things about how the crew of the Iris Arcadia works. Mostly they run around like Idiots hoping it'll solve their problems.

My kind of people.

Today I would be helping make the Iris Arcadia more...Comfortable?

Well, basically I would help make rooms for everyone in the Iris Arcadia. Move in as you would say.

Well when I woke up today I went to go eat breakfast, forgetting that we mainly had rations for food. So miserably I ate some rations then discovered a note on the door.

-Hi Niroko

So, we got a quest to hunt down a supposed 'Werewolf' in the woods a kilometers south of Evergreen Crest. You were still asleep and we have a limited amount of time to kill it, so... yeah. Alishel is still in the Iris Arcadia, and we left instructions for how we want our rooms to be like.

Thanks! - David

I sighed. Dammit.

"Alishel! Alishel!" I yelled out into the Ship.

"Be with you in a moment!" Yelled Alishel, seemingly inbetween the walls. I searched for the source of his voice, then I detected a powerful magical force within the walls. Powerful. Valuable.

Soon a door opened to the Source, near a weird pad in the wall I hadn't noticed till now. Alishel came out of the door and closed it behind them.

I looked curiously at the door.

"It's the engine room, and my workshop, I'm not allowing anyone in there." Alishel explained.

I nodded. But I was still intrigued. Oh well it'll pop up again I know.

"What was it that you wanted?" Alishel asked.

"Could'ya help me set up the rooms, since the others ran off hunting a Werewolf like a bunch of teenagers." I responded.

"I understand it, but that is a strange analogy, Niroko, most teenagers are not likely to do such behavior, it's just a common stereotype." Alishel mentioned.

"It was also a joke." I elaborated.

"Oh, humor, the most elusive part of a personality. Eh." Alishel began looking through the notes.

"Let's start with Elriss's room, it seems to be the one with least amount of effort." Alishel pointed out.


Alishel then began pointing out what Elriss wanted in his room. I took in the stuff we bought, saw Elriss's hammock. I cast a levitation spell and brought it to a random room, while Alishel hammered the knots into the wall.

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