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2 weeks later

𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠

"Anything else you need before I go to work?" My sister asked me as she propped my legs up on the couch, "My vodka from the cabinet." I watched as she walked over to my cabinet and she grabbed all my alcohol from the cabinet and threw it away.

"What the hell?!"

"You made a promise to them, You will not break it even more."

"At least get me something to drink." She threw me a water bottle from the fridge, "You can't throw things at the crippled!" She rolled her eyes at me and left out the front door.

I sighed and turned on the TV so I could watch 9-1-1, Only good thing I have in my life at the moment.

I heard the door open as I pressed play on my show, "Did you forget something?"

"I don't think so." My eyebrows furrowed at the deep voice making me look back, "Alessandro?" He closed the door and walked over to me, "Why aren't you in paris?" He bent down to hug me, "Do you not miss me?"

"Of course I do." He hovers over me and kisses me slowly, "I booked a plane once I heard you were in the hospital."

"How could you be so reckless?" He hit me on my shoulder making me groan, "Ow!" He hit me again then grabbed me to pull me into a hug.

"I'm glad you're okay though, Next time don't drive anywhere close to a cliff."

It was on purpose, I thought to myself because saying that out loud would not go well.

"I can't drive anymore."

"Why? Did they take your license away because of an accident?"

"No I'm paralyzed, Hence the me not getting up to hug you back part."

"What? For how long." I shrug my shoulders with a sigh, "At least I get a service dog, They're always so cute."

"Not something to joke about."

"I'm down here for the entire weekend so I'll nurse you back to health."

"I'm paralyzed and unless your god, You can't help this."

"No but, I heard on the internet that you can help with physical therapy."

"I got all the therapy I need." I pointed to my show making him roll his eyes, "You're very unserious."

"Has Mariano been by?"


"Why not? I told him to check up on you."

"I told him not to visit again, along with Scarlett."

"Why would you do that?"

"You would think that the person you're in relationship with would answer their phone, But he could care less."

"You need them, I can't stay here forever because I have to get back to school."

"No, I needed them when my parents died.. I don't need them for a leg injury."

"Y- Your parents." Alessandro forced me into a hug, "I'm so sorry I didn't know, Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because you were in paris, You got into your dream school.. I'm not gonna take that away from you with my problems."

"I could careless about paris, I'm worried about you! Don't ever think that I would chose my school over you, Because I wouldn't." Tears fell from Alessandro's eyes making me roll mine, "Stop crying Alessandro."

"I'm fine."

"Is that why you're over drinking yourself?"

"Yeah, the house reeks of alcohol."

"If it helps, she threw my alcohol way this afternoon." He hit me in the the shoulder making me groan, "Sorry, forgot you were injured." He rubbed my shoulder for me.

"I'm gonna call Mariano, You two are gonna make up."

"I'm not dealing with this right now." I mumble as I put my arm over my face, "Fine, First thing tomorrow- Nope have an appointment in the morning."

"Then the afternoon." He mumbles while typing away on his phone, "Scratch that, I get a service dog after that appointment, It's gonna be too late to do anything after that." I fake a frown and shrug.

Alessandro grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and brung my face to his, "You are gonna find time to talk to Mariano or so help me god, Valerian I will kill
you myself."

He was kind of turning me on, it was questionable.

"You're turning me on right now." Alessandro rolled his eyes and let go of my shirt, "I'm not kidding."

"I'm not either, I've tried talking to him multiple times- How about you tell him to listen and then maybe I'll consider talking."

"You're both so stubborn, It's annoying!"

"Love you too." He flipped me off and walked upstairs with his phone to his ear, I smiled and turned my show back on.


we finally got bisexual buck everyone cheer

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we finally got bisexual buck everyone cheer

also I'm making a bl only book so who would tune into that?

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