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𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐭


"Mariano." I softly whispered in his ear to wake him up, It was 12pm and he was still sound asleep while slobbering on my boobs.

He began to stir in his sleep and his eyes fluttered open revealing his honey brown colored eyes, "Scarlett?" His brows furrowed as he looked up at me and into my eyes.

He rose up while wiping his mouth, "What are you doing here?"

"You don't remember last night?" He groaned and grabbed his head, "Now I do." He stood up and winced looking down at his foot, He limped to his bathroom without another word.

I sighed and sat up on his bed, I grabbed the tissue from his night stand and wiped the drool off my boobs.

I ran my hands through my hair to take away the frizz, I adjusted my clothes as I stood up from his bed.

Mariano walked back out the bathroom and walked to his closet ignoring me making me frown, "Are we gonna talk about last night?"

He continued to stay silent making me sigh, "Mariano, I know wh- Don't say you know what I'm going through, No one ever does, None of you know what it's like to be Molested, raped, and abuse for throughout your whole childhood!" He yelled making me flinch back as tears fell down my eyes.

I scoffed and pulled up my sleeve and my shirt, "You think I put these scars on my self, My parents were abusive druggies, my dad raped me my whole life! My mom beat on me for it when I was the victim in the situation."

"Just because you're going through pain doesn't mean you get to take it out on others, Okay?!"

"You're not the only one who goes through things like that." I scoffed picking up my shoes and left out his room.

"Wait, Scarlett!" I ignored him and grabbed my jacket off the back of the chair.

He stepped in front of the door so I couldn't leave, "Move." He shakes his head no and I roll my eyes, "I'll hit you." I hit him in the chest but it didn't phase him.

I hit him again and he just grabbed my arms so I couldn't move them. "I'm sorry, let me talk to you."


"I'm sorry for assuming something like that, But usually no one knows how it feels to go through things like that- and they all say the same thing which doesn't help."

"And for so long, I pushed everyone away to a certain point they stopped trying, I'm sorry for being rude about it when all you were tryna do was help."

"I just don't like talking about it, talking means remembering it."

"I don't wanna remember it." Mariano looked at me with teary eyes, I pulled him into hug, "I know how it feels, but pushing it away doesn't help.. talking about  it can help you let it go."

"It helped me."

"Okay, I'll try." I pulled back and pecked him on cheek, "That means talking to Valerian and Alessandro."

"I will."

"But you have to talk about what happen." He looked down at my scar, "You're the prettiest girl on earth even with this scar." He kissed the scar on my arm and I looked away but he grabbed my face.

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