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𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐭


I stirred in my sleep waking up, I tried to get up but arms were wrapped around me holding me down, I scrunched my face up.

I looked up to see Mariano and began to freak out,
"Oh my god!" I screamed pushing him off me hugging myself.

His head shot up and raised up from the bed leaning back onto his arms, "Why are you screaming?" I backed away from him.

"Why am I here?! And where is my dress? And why am I in your bed laying with you?!" I paced back and forth keeping a distance from him.

"You don't remember last night?" I shook my head no, "You drunk too much which caused you to get super drunk, and we didn't know where you lived so we took you home with us."

"I promise we never did anything to you, I would never do that." Memories from last night flooded my mind remembering falling asleep on his lap and having a very weird dream about Mariano but it made me feel good.

"Who changed me?"

"Valerians sister did we didn't wanna violate your privacy," I was so confused and flustered by so many thoughts.

"I slept with you because you didn't wanna go to sleep without me, you pulled me down so that's how we're in the same bed."

I blushed in embarrassment turning my head away, "Did I do anything else embarrassing?" He shook his head no with a smirk on his face.

I bit my lip and ran my hand through my hair, "Where am I exactly?" I asked fiddling with the night gown I was wearing.

"Our house." I heard another voice speak as the door opened revealing Valerian and Alessandro, "This is so unprofessional and inappropriate." I ushered out quickly backing up to the wall.

"That's funny coming from you." I heard Alessandro mutter from the side of me, I rose a brow and turned to him, "What do you mean?" He smirked and looked at Mariano.

"Alessandro." Mariano said in a warning tone, "Nothing, just had a very eventful car ride with you." Alessandro winked, "What is he talking about?" Mariano looked at me and shook his head.

"Nothing you just did a lot of riding." Alessandro said making Valerian hit him in the chest.

My head was pounding and I didn't like it either, "What's wrong Bambina?" Mariano asked me standing up from the bed.

"My head hurts." I whined tears brimming my eyes, "I have to get home to get medicine." He rubbed my head and cradled my head.

"It's called a hangover, We have some medicine for it okay?" I nodded and he took his hand in mine leading me to another room.

He turned the light on and it was a bathroom, He picked me up making me yelp, "What are you doing?" He ignored me and put me on the counter, then bent down grabbing a pill bottle for me.

"Take two of these, and here's some toothpaste and a toothbrush." He handed me all of the things and left out.

"Thank you." I shyly muttered avoiding his gaze, He simply nodded in response leaving me in the bathroom.

As I brushed my teeth I kept thinking about the dream, I don't know what I did in my dream but it felt so good.

I got wet just thinking about what happened in my dream, The way I rubbed against his thigh gave me a better feeling than my fingers.

I wanted to feel that way again but that's so embarrassing, I felt dirty for dreaming like that with one of my students.

It felt so real though, I don't know why he called me kitten but it sent shivers down my spine, I don't know why he said come for me either, I wonder what that meant.

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