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𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐭


"Can I get a slushie?" I asked Valerian who held my hand as we walked into the movie theaters, He nodded at me then looked behind us towards Alessandro and Mariano.

I skipped to the counter and looked up at the menu, "I want the cherry slushie with popcorn!" I point up at the menu.

"Whatever you want baby." He whispers in my ear handing the money to the cashier, I smile and stand behind him as the rest of them order their snacks.

I was going to grab my stuff but they stopped me, "We'll grab it for you," I sighed and grabbed it from them.

"I'm not a baby and I can do it on my own." I roll my eyes and walk into the theater. I walk up into the back of the theater, where our seats were and placed down my drink and popcorn.

"What did we tell you about not doing what we say and rolling your pretty little eyes?"

"To not do it." I mumbled looking down at the floor, He picked my head up and made me look him in the eyes.

"That's one strike." I groaned and sat down looking away from him, "Don't pout." I mocked him and he just chuckled.

"2 strikes," He mumbled as I reclined the seat back, "That's not fair, That's not even a rule!" He gave me a look making me shut up.

I sigh and stuff the popcorn in my mouth as the movie started, His hand trailed down to my thigh and let it rest there.

He knows what that does to me, I grabbed his hand and lead it to my vagina and he gave me a warning look while shaking his head no but I frowned and pulled at his hand with pleading eyes.

He whispers no to me and I frown slapping his hand turning to Mariano but he shook his head no too making me pout.

A bunch of big meanies.

I stuffed my popcorn in my mouth as we watched the movie, It was funny and interesting but I was still distracted about how horny I was so i'm gonna take care of it myself.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I whisper as I stand up putting my food down on my seat, They nod and I walk past but Valerian grabs me and pulls me onto his lap.

"What are you doing? I have to pee." I lie with a frown on my face, "I want you to be honest with me were you actually going to the bathroom, or were you going to take care of your little situation?" He whispers into my ear while sliding his fingers into my pants and felt how wet I was.

"I was going to take care of it myself," I admit mumbling softly, "That's strike 3. You're gonna eat your popcorn and watch the movie and if I hear a peep come out of you, I'm gonna punish you till the sun comes up." He grabs my popcorn from the seat and sits me down then hands it to me.

I cried softly, I don't like when Valerian is mean to me.

All my crying made me sleepy and I layed my head on Mariano's arm, "Val, You made the poor girl cry." Mariano whispered rubbing my head, "She's being a brat and I don't have time for it." I hear Valerian say making me frown.

I soon fall asleep on Mariano's arm because all of the crying was making me tired.


𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫

"Wake up baby the movie is over," I whisper in Scarlett's ear shaking her softly, She has dried up tear stains making me frown and wipe them. "Can I get on your back I'm too tired to walk?" She whines softly reaching out to me making me chuckle.


I bent down and turned around so she could get in my back and she wrapped her arms around my neck, "You spoil her way too much." Scarlett sticks her tongue out at Valerian and rolls her eyes.

"That's it." Valerian says as he walks past us, "Oh you're in trouble little one." I chuckle and She frowns at me and rolls her eyes again.


"You're all being mean except Alessandro," He lifts his head up and looks at us, "What'd I miss?" He questions while almost tripping when walking down, "Pay attention," Scarlett tells him as we walk down the stairs.

"What are you so worried about that's on your phone?" I ask him but he nods towards Scarlett who was on his back. "Hey, go with Valerian." I tell Scarlett as I bend down so she can get off my back.

She shook her head no folding her arms across her chest, "You wanna be spanked for not listening?" She runs off towards Valerian quickly leaving Alessandro and me alone.

"Okay what is it? Why can't Scarlett know?" He shows me his phone and nervously plays with the rings on his fingers. "What is this?" He groans loudly smacking his forehead.

"It's the art program that I signed up for, remember when I told you and Valerian?" Realization sinks in and I nod. "Well I submitted some of my work and I'm waiting for them to get back to me to see if I'm in or not."

"But why couldn't Scarlett know?"

"Because it's in Paris— Paris?! That's 10 hours away." He covers my mouth with wide eyes, "Not so loud idiot, But i'm just worried that Scarlett won't like it because I'll be in Paris."

"She'll be fine, She'll understand Alessandro." He still looks worried not thinking about what I had said. "When we're at home, I'll relieve you from all that stress." I whisper in his ear and softly kissing his collar bone.

I winked at him and walked away towards Valerian and Scarlett, She was standing away from him making me chuckle.

"She still avoiding you?" I laugh at him and be flipped me off while fake laughing, "Acting like a brat but don't worry I'll take care of her at home." He smirks deviously and I shake my head at him, "You better run when we're home Scarlett." I announce once I see Valerian walking towards her.

He picks her up and holds her over his shoulder as she kicked and screamed, "I'm being kidnapped!" She screams making me laugh as people looked at us, "No she isn't!" I quickly say as someone walked near us.

"Get her in the car she's making a scene." I mumble as we exit out, Alessandro catches up with us his eyes still glued to his phone. I sigh and grab his phone sticking it in my pocket.

"You'll get this after I'm done with you." He sighs and rolls his eyes, "Don't make me tie you up when we're home." I whisper into his ear, My eyes trail down to his bulge seeing that my words had an affect on him.


So i know i disappeared on this book don't hate me

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So i know i disappeared on this book don't hate me.

You're getting good smut in the next chapter with Alessandro and Mariano which will be out later this night.


double digit votes for the next chapter!

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