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bxb scenes in this chapter ⚠︎︎

𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫


"I'm gonna take her to my room, and well you know." Valerian says while slapping Scarlett's ass. I nod and subtly put my hand down Alessandro's pants sliding my finger inside of his hole making him gasp softly.

He controlled his moans from leaving his mouth as they walked up stairs, As soon as they were upstairs I tongued down Alessandro as we walked to the stairs.

"Our room or the red room?" I mumble into the kiss as I unbutton his shirt, "Ours," He moans out, We walked up the stairs barely being able to keep our hands off of each other.

I kick our door shut once we entered our room, "Get undressed and lay down," I order Alessandro as I bend down to get some ice out of the mini fridge.

"You're not gonna be worrying about anything once i'm done with you." I tell him as I put the ice in my mouth.

I kneel onto the bed while taking off my shirt, I hold the ice between my teeth and rub it on his tip making him gasp loudly.

"Fuck wait I change my mind." He tries to push me away and I hold him down taking him in my mouth, "S- Shit," He groans as I glide the ice up and down his shaft while running my free hand down his body.

I stuck my finger and his mouth so he could make it wet enough for me and I stuck my finger inside of his hole while my mouth continued it's torture on his dick with the ice cube.

Alessandro grabbed a fistful of my hair pulling at it as my head bobbed up and down his shaft, His loud moans filled the room and his grip soon became weak and his hands fell to his side.

"Mariano slow down." He whined softly that sent a vibration to my cock, I groaned and took him out my mouth licking the side of his shaft down to his balls.

Alessandro moans were soft and whiny which were music to my ears, I stroked his cock at a fast pace that had him gripping the sheets with his head thrown back.

I knew he was gonna cum so I took him in my mouth making sure I could fit as much as I could down my throat.

His moans became quick and breathless as he released his cum into my mouth, I swallowed every single drop as he came down from his high and looked at him.

"You're crazy you know." He sighs as I wiped my mouth, I chuckled and kissed him as I unbuttoned my pants sliding them down a little.

"You think you can stay quiet so they won't hear you?" He shakes his head no making me chuckle, "I'm gonna fuck you till—" I look at the time on my phone and contemplate, "Till 2am." I finish my sentence and he looked at me like I was crazy.

"Fine 1am." I covered his mouth as I slowly slid myself inside of him watching his eyes roll to the back of his head while he groaned into my hand, I slowly grind myself against him and thrust up as I kiss him to muffle his moans.

He wrapped his legs around me and scratched at my back, as I sped up my strokes his moans got louder making it harder for me to muffle them. "I've been wanting to fuck you these past days, Every time I saw that body of yours it made me miss being inside of you." I whisper into his ear as I continue my thrust in him.

"Don't say things- like that or it'll make me..." He began to say but was cut off by his own moan as he came on his chest with a loud whimper, I grunted and moved him down the bed while flipping him over so we were facing the mirror.

"Look at you, Taking my dick like the slut you are with your cum all over your chest." I whisper into his ear as I bring him up by his neck and hold onto his arms as I pounded into his tight hole.

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