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1 week later

𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐭

I blew a bubble with my gum as I raised my sunglasses above my head, I grabbed my drink and let out a breath in relief.

The sun shining down on my body, "Oh how I love summer," We all took a trip for summer vacation at a beach resort until summer break was over and until Alessandro had to go back to his art school.

I sipped my juice out of the umbrella straw, Enjoying the moment of peace and quiet until it was ruined by an obnoxious sound.

Valerian and Alessandro were burping loudly, "Must you two ruin- Oh my god!" I shrieked when water splashed on me making me look towards the pool.

Mariano held a hand over his mouth, "Oops."

"You three are so annoying!" I stood up and wrapped the skirt around my waist, "Sorry- You all need to act like you've been somewhere nice before."

I walked to the bar and sat down on the stools, "Can I get a tropical slush?" I ask the bartender as I set the money on the counter.

"One tropical slush coming right up." I got on my phone and waited as I kicked my feet back and forth, He slid the drink to me and took the money off the counter.

"Thank you." I  grabbed the drink and sipped on it through the straw, I noticed a bin of pink flowers and I decided to grab one.

I put it in my hair looking through the camera on my phone, I heard footsteps making me turn my head to the side revealing Valerian.

"You come to annoy me even more?" He chuckles and runs his hands through his hair, "You've been super angry lately, do I need to fix your attitude?" He whispers in my ear as his hand travels down my side.


"That's what you wanted all along? Well you're not getting any and I'll make sure to tell them as well." I groan and roll my eyes.

He turns the stool so now I was facing him, He goes to speak but pauses and looks at my head. "What?"

"The flower, where'd you get it?"

"Oh, just from the basket over there. Why? Want one." I tease but he doesn't laugh, "My mom loved those flowers, she use to grow them in her garden."

I frown and grab his hand, he hasn't talked about his mom since she died. "Valerian, you okay?" He looks back down at my face and smiles, "Yeah, I'm fine.. I have a headache, I'm gonna go lay down." He stands up and raises his sunglasses back over his head.

"I'll come with." I grab his hand and held my drink and phone in the other as we walked back to our room.

"Have we met before? You look really familiar." An older lady with an accent approached Valerian, "I don't think so." Her and Valerian's accent were similar.

"I'm so sorry, you favor an old friend of mine." She apologizes with a chuckle, "No worries, Are you from France?"


"Me too," I watch him interact with her, "I'm so sorry for interrupting you two, Have a good day."

"You just looked so much like her, Never mind then." Valerian nods and grabs ahold of my hand.

"Have a good day." She walks away and I look up Valerian, "Don't know what that was all about." He mutters as we get inside the Elevator.

"She seemed like she knew you."

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