Chapter 8 : Brother and Sister

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Minami no hanashi : Yume - Prelude

Minami simply confirmed, "It's me."

-(?) Wait, Jun... Is she really your girlfriend? I was just kidding...

Jun, slightly panicked, stammered, "Wh-what are you talking about? You're out of it, Kenichi!" He glanced anxiously at Minami, then quickly clarified, "She's my little sister, obviously!"

-(Kenichi) Hahaha Alright, no more jokes! Well, I'm off to eat! He said as he left.

Jun grabbed Minami's hand and led her away. He hadn't expected to see her here at all, and it showed in his voice. "What are you doing here, Minami?!"

As for Minami, she was calm. A calmness that seemed to hide a hint of sadness. Despite this, she extended her frail hands holding a snack. "It's for this morning," she said weakly.

-(Jun) Ah... I see... Is it for me?

-(Minami) Yes.

"Thank you." As he took the snack, he quickly added while handing her a box in return, "Here, take mine, let's eat."

-(Minami) Oh! No need for batteries after all! Thank you.

Jun was staring at the box. Suddenly, thoughts of Minami's bad cooking overwhelmed him.

-(Jun) Uh... But by the way...

-(Minami) Don't worry, I didn't prepare it.

-(Jun) Haha... Sorry...

-(Minami) No, no, don't worry, I wouldn't eat my own cooking either. She assured him while looking down.

-(Jun) Quite honest. Come on, it's this way.

Upstairs, on the terrace

-(Minami) I didn't think there was a terrace upstairs.

-(Jun) The first time I came, I had the same reaction as you.

An awkward silence ensued, with Minami avoiding Jun's gaze. After a few moments, they each opened their respective snacks and began to eat. After a few bites, Minami broke the silence. "I understand why you've been angry since this morning..."

While eating, he asked her, "Oh, really? Tell me."

Jun was also quite uncomfortable, but he thought to himself: If I start showing that I'm uncomfortable, it won't help Minami, and she'll stress out even more. I'm an adult, I have to act like one.

Despite the fear, Shinsuke's words seemed to have an effect on Jun.

-(Minami) Well, I keep asking you for favors all the time without considering your mood or opinion, and then you end up in uncomfortable situations... She said, looking down.

-(Jun) That's not entirely untrue...

Seeing that Jun didn't refute any of her statements, Minami became worried and started to feel guilty.

-(Jun) But that's not why I yelled this morning.

-(Minami) Then why?

-(Jun) I'm irresponsible with you, that's all. Actually, I'm angry with myself. He said as he ate.

-(Minami) But you didn't do anything wrong! On the contrary, you're always there when needed, and I can always count on you!

"That's the problem." he replied firmly, looking at Minami. Then he added, "I'm always there when needed, and unfortunately, also when you go too far. I indulge you in your nonsense."

Minami no hanashi : Yume (English)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant