Chapter 30 : I Just Do What it takes to

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Minami no Hanashi : Yume - Prelude


In Front of the School

The three girls had arrived early, and Sanae suggested showing Narumi around. They stopped in front of the athletics club's track, and Minami started to smile awkwardly, as if she were guilty of something.

Narumi moved closer, narrowing her eyes as if to examine her, while Minami did her best not to betray her thoughts; but it was obvious from a mile away.

-(Narumi) You haven't gone even once, have you? she asked with a neutral expression.

-(Minami) Ah, looks like I'm busted.

-(Narumi) It was pretty obvious, to be honest.

Minami put on a smug look, placed her hands behind her head, and replied: « Anyway, the person who can beat me hasn't been born yet. »

Sanae retorted with a finger raised: « Defeat begins where arrogance starts! »

-(Minami) That's exactly why I'm being arrogant, I'm just waiting for it! she said, shrugging.

-(Sanae) Who knows? Maybe Asayoshi will be able to beat you soon?

Minami looked at Sanae with an expression that showed how ridiculous she found the idea: « Seriously? I hope you're joking. There's no way that maniac could beat me in a race, and he's not even the second strongest after me. »

-(Narumi) Beating Minami in a race? That's completely impossible!

Minami was proud and happy to see that Narumi agreed with her. She gently patted Narumi's head and said to Sanae: « See? That's the right attitude! »
Narumi blushed slightly.

-(Sanae) *sighing* Well, I admit it does seem impossible now that I think about it.

-(Narumi) But who's this Asayoshi, anyway?

Minami, with seriousness: « If I had to describe him in one word, I'd pick "a sports-obsessed lunatic who needs to see a doctor!" »

-(Narumi) That's more than one word.

-(Minami) True, I'll stick with "lunatic."

Narumi looked at Sanae for her take on the sports fanatic. Sanae thought for a moment and then, with a defeated expression, said: « I don't usually talk about people like this, but I think he's not all there. But he's really nice! »

Minami and Narumi burst into laughter at this.

Sanae continued: « But anyway, he's really fast, and he's always in the middle of everything. I think he's the most influential person in the club. During last year's sports festival, everyone was shocked to see a first-year student so outgoing. »

-(Minami) Now that I think about it, that's when he started accusing me of cheating.

-(Narumi) Cheating?! What did you do?

Minami shrugged and replied nonchalantly: « I have no idea. Maybe because I had a better time than him? »

-(Sanae) Haha—um, how do I put this?

-(Narumi) What's up?

-(Sanae) Well, Asayoshi thinks Minami is doping with her cereal bars...


-(Narumi) You're joking, right?

-(Sanae) Unfortunately, no...

She turned to Minami for confirmation, and Minami nodded with resignation: « Yeah, it's a lost cause. »

Minami no hanashi : Yume (English)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant