MHY : Luminara - Chapter 2

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Sleeping within the walls of Kurokafu was something I had missed. It's a criminal organization, no doubt, but its darkness brings me a certain comfort that I find nowhere else. Everyone here is governed by the same laws, and no one can break them. Unlike Azplent, where traitors can easily infiltrate and kill from within, such a thing is simply impossible here. Because we are not just bound by the rules, we are compelled by them. And compulsion is far stronger than obligation.

I get up to head to one of Kurokafu's restaurants. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before, but to get there, one has to go to the neutral zone. The neutral zone is on a special floor, just above the large parking lot of the Chameleons, where I had arrived upon my return.

This place, as its name suggests, is frequented by all kinds of people. You can find anything and everything here. The zone is immense, almost as big as a city, a true haven for criminals. Paradoxically, this zone is also extremely safe. Safer than other places in the world.

Outside, if someone wants to take your life, they can, and no one will be able to stop them. Because rules are simply not respected, thanks to free will. Here, it's different. Who knows why, but no one has ever broken the code of conduct imposed by our leader.

The corridors of the neutral zone echo with the sounds of hushed conversations and hurried footsteps. A dim light bathes the space, adding a touch of anonymity to every corner. Once inside the restaurant, I take a seat alone in the back. There, I'm sure not to be disturbed, though many might think the same as I do.

I sit down, and after a few minutes, a waiter comes to take my order. I ask for a black coffee, short and intense, like Kurokafu's night. The waiter nods and quickly disappears into the shadows of the restaurant.

As I waited for my coffee, a man entered, dressed in the dark, discreet uniform of the TRD. His gaze scanned the room with clinical precision. When he saw me, he headed straight for my table.

"Luminara d'Azplent?" he said, sitting down without an invitation, "You're on leave. Two weeks off, in accordance with the rules imposed on the Luminara."

It was to be expected. Among the Luminara, after a mission involving more than a year of intervention, the agent is entitled to at least two weeks of rest. Variable depending on the superiors' whims.

Handing me an envelope, he said, "Take this time to recharge."

I took the envelope, noting the official Kurokafu seal. "And where am I supposed to go?"

"You're free to choose. But keep the organization informed," he added before standing up and leaving as suddenly as he had appeared.

The idea of leaving Kurokafu for two weeks seemed both foreign and intriguing. I had almost forgotten what it was like to live in the 'normal' world. After finishing my coffee, I return to my room to pack my things.

Two days later, I was in a bustling city, far from the shadow of Kurokafu's official HQ, but still within its web. For lodging, I found a room in a hotel secretly run by Misumena vatia and Chameleons. It's the case with countless establishments, but the world remains oblivious.

The streets are filled with life, light, and noise. Nearly forgotten sensations flood my senses. Walking among people, feeling the raw energy of the city... it was both refreshing and unsettling.

I decide to start my stay with a simple walk in a lively park. Children were playing, couples strolled hand in hand, and street performers entertained fascinated onlookers. An atmosphere so distant from the calculated coldness of Kurokafu.

Sitting on a bench, I let my thoughts drift. An elderly woman, holding a basket of bread for the birds, sits down next to me.

"It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" she says with a smile.

Minami no hanashi : Yume (English)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant