Slytherin Boys - What they did to win you over

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Mattheo ...

... who promised he would marry you to lure you into his bed – who put weeks of effort into (literally) courting you and earning your trust just to leave you, as soon as he took what he wanted from you. Leaving you to feel used and dirty.

Theodore ...

... who played the push and pull game with you for weeks: pulling you in with sweet promises and loving gestures only to ghost you afterwards, having you trail after him like a lost sad puppy.

Lorenzo ...

... pretending to be the innocent prince-like boy who only has good intentions with you. He will send you letters and poems, written by a Hufflepuff who was threatened to do so by him, to profess his undying love for you. He will show his true colors as soon as you are caught in his web.

Draco ...

... will buy his way into your heart. At first you declined his overly expensive gifts but soon enough he will know what to get you. His intention isn't just to impress you but to bind you to him: the more presents you got, the more you felt indebted to him in some way. He was so thoughtful after all, wasn't he? You had to pay him back somehow ...

Blaise ...

... is the best best friend anyone could ask for. And the only one you'll need. He will make sure to isolate you from the rest of your friends until you are only focused on him. Soon enough he'll be the center of your life and that is when he will start growing distant to you, to evoke the fear of losing him in you. After that you'd do anything to make him happy.

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