Slytherin Boys - What they are like when they're jealous

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Mattheo ...

... is seething, his hands balled into fists and his jaw clenched as he watched you talk to another male student – his eyes burning holes into the back of his head. How dare he talk to you and how dare you look so invested? Mattheo bit the inside of his cheeks as he impatiently waited for you to finish your conversation. Usually, he would have already marched over and ripped the guy away from you – and depending on his mood he would have either thrown him to the floor or thrown him into the next wall throwing a punch into the other guy's gut, followed by a kick to his shin. But – you had just scolded him a few days ago for not being able to control his anger and frustrations. You had called him overbearing. Worried he'd scare you away, he pressed his fingernails into his palms, cheeks still between his teeth as his eyes narrowed. He'd stay calm.

Mattheo's nostrils flared in anger as the boy moved in to hug you and that was the last straw. Here we go – that's enough. Mattheo thought before pushing himself off the wall. Tasting blood in his mouth, the curly haired boy stomped his way over to you two, pulling the poor guy back by his shoulder and turning him around. Before you or the boy could register anything, Mattheo's fist collided with the smaller male's jaw, knocking him out cold. The boy tumbled over like a sack of potatoes – if not for the situation at hand, Mattheo would have cackled over how easy the other boy went down. But now was not the time. Without wasting a second Mattheo wrapped his hand around one of your wrists, his hold painfully tight as he pulled you over the knocked out male and towards who knows where.

Theodore ...

... rolls his eyes as Cormac blatantly flirts with you right in front of him. Theodore immediately throws one of his arms around your shoulders and pulls you into his chest, kissing the top of your head lovingly.

"You need something?" Theodore questions, staring into Cormac's eyes. Smirking when the other male averted his eyes after just a second. What a weakling. Theodore was aware of his intimidating aura – he didn't even have to put effort into it. The blonde arrogant boy grumbled something under his breath before turning around to leave without sparing Theodore and you another look.

Good boy. Your boyfriend thought, slightly relieved that he wouldn't have to resort to violence – not that he was afraid to. He just didn't want to upset you ... again.

"Let's go, bella."

Lorenzo ...

... scoffed when he saw you sitting next to Cedric, laughing loudly at something he said, your hand on his arm as you wiped a lone tear away.

Rolling his shoulders back Lorenzo took big strides as he walked up to you, taking a random person's glass of juice before emptying the whole thing over Cedric's head. You gasped loudly; eyes wide as you lifted your head, noticing Enzo's angry face. You gulped. Lorenzo always seemed so sweet – it was just his face honestly – but whenever he got jealous – which happened a lot – he turned into a completely different person.

Jumping up from your seat you rushed to his side, taking hold of his bicep with both your hands in hopes of calming him down.

Cedric turned to glare at your boyfriend over his shoulder, his whole head wet and sticky.

"Next time it won't be juice, Diggory. Now f*ck off."

That was the last time the Hufflepuff spoke to you.

Draco ...

... obnoxious. He'd be baffled at your audacity. How dare you wear a skirt that short? He was busy with glaring at any boys ogling you that he completely missed that one dude that actually walked up to you. Before he could react or process that the boy was complimenting you, you had already turned and walked towards your boyfriend. Draco left it at that and only pulled you closed to his body, removing his blazer before wrapping it around your waist.

He didn't say anything else and left it at that until you were alone in his room – that's when he held a whole lecture on why you shouldn't wear short skirts like that.

"You know what? Let's go shopping tomorrow and let me burn those way too small skirts that you have in your closet."

Blaise ...

... would deny being jealous. He was chill – always calm. He was chill even when you were busy studying with Harry Potter – spending hours huddled up in the corner of the library. He was also chill when you sat with Harry during dinner that day, shooting Blaise an apologetic smile before completely focusing on whatever you were talking about with the golden trio.

The glass that shattered in his hand was probably already faulty and definitely did not break due to the way his grip on it tightened out of anger. He wasn't angry. Blaise was always chill.

However, he didn't feel chill at all when you were finally with him, walking towards the Slytherin common room, when Potter ran after you, asking if you had another minute to talk through the next steps for your project.

Blaise knew you couldn't say no – especially if it involved course work. So, Blaise did what any other loving and thoughtful boyfriend would do: He answered with a short yet harsh "She's busy.", before bending down slightly to throw you over his shoulders, continuing his path to his dorm room. He couldn't wait to be in the comfort of his room – away from prying eyes and annoying boys trying to chat with his girlfriend. 

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