Slytherin Boys - What they do when you neglect them

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Mattheo ...

... definitely will make you jealous to make you regret neglecting him. And if the reason for your lack of attention is another male, he might just stand you up for the girl you like the least – and you will be made aware of the fact that you have been momentarily replaced by her.

If you confront him, all teary eyed and frustrated, he will just make a tutting noise as he tilts his head to the side, his hands in his pockets while staring at you coldly. "What are you mad about? She was just ... keeping me company while you were busy hanging with those Gryffindor idiots you call your friends." He spat as he pushed himself off his table, walking closer to you until he was almost pressed against you. "You neglected me."

Theodore ...

... would cheat on you. After days of being almost completely ignored by you he had enough – he wasn't known to be a patient man to begin with. After a week he sent you a message asking you to come to his room after dinner to talk about an urgent matter. As soon as you opened the door you were met with the sight of a girl kneeling between Theodore's legs, with his trousers and boxers pooling around his ankles.

He was already staring at you with indifference when you raised your head to look at him in horror. He pushed the other girl away from him who immediately scrambled out of the room when she noticed you.

"Don't look at me like that, amore." Theodore broke the silence before you could say anything, still utterly speechless from what you had just witnessed. "You've been ignoring me for the past few days ... I have needs too, you know?" Theodore spoke lowly as his gaze pierced straight through you. His gaze softened slightly when your lower lip started trembling, the tears in your eyes rolling down your flushed cheeks. "Baby, don't cry." The tall male sighed as he lifted one of his hands to motion you over. "Come on, stop crying. I only love you, you know that, right?" He managed to take a hold of one of your wrists and forcefully pulled you between his still spread legs. "Now, be a good girl and take over."

Lorenzo ...

... would make you taste your own medicine. As soon as you finished all your assignments that had piled up over the last few weeks you were left on read by your boyfriend. Not suspecting anything you had looked for him everywhere until you finally found him in the courtyard with his friends. He stared at you coldly when you made eye contact before turning to look back at one of his friends – completely ignoring you. And before you had reached him, he had already turned around and left.

The next few days Lorenzo avoided you, only replying with short answers whenever you texted him – if he replied at all.

When Friday hit you confronted him in his dorm room, standing at the foot of his bed with your arms crossed in front of your chest.

"Oh, did you finally remember that you have a boyfriend?" Lorenzo scoffed with his brow raised as he watched your face fall.

"You're not the only one that has to do assignments, you know? You have a lot to apologize for, don't you think?"

Draco ...

... he'd immediately demand your attention. You had been huddled up in the library, studying for the upcoming exams as Draco stormed to your table, ripping the book out of your hands, throwing it to the side as he glared at you. What he hadn't expected, however, was you scolding him for interrupting your studies. Taking a deep breath the blonde male scoffed. How dare you be mad at him?

"You will regret it if you keep neglecting me like this, doll. I have my limits too." He whispered harshly before rushing out of the library.

Blaise ...

... would fake being sick to have you around him 24/7. He would be very convincing and even go to the length of getting one of the Weasley twin's inventions to make hiss act even more believable. You'd throw the door to his room open, rushing to his bed with worried eyes as apologies spilled from your lips. Blaise blinked at you as you sat down next to him on the bed, sighing blissfully as you cupped his warm face in your cold hands. You would feel like the worst girlfriend ever and he would use that to make you pamper him until he felt better again. "Can you please cuddle me, I'm so cold." Blaise croaked out, biting back a smirk as you immediately kicked off your shoes before climbing into bed with him.

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