Toxic Slytherin boys - When they actually fall in love with you

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Mattheo ...

... chokes on his saliva when he realizes. He'd been having weird dreams – more like nightmares – of losing you and the relief that washes over him whenever he finally manages to wake up makes his heart skip a beat.

... would try to shrug it off and push it to the back of his mind until he couldn't anymore. You growing more confident and making new friends felt like a bucket of ice cold water emptied on his head: he loved you and he couldn't risk losing you.

... had to take a different approach with you, because with time you noticed the very subtle changes in him and started resisting his controlling nature.

... for the first time ever, grew insecure in your relationship: The more he fell in love with you, the brighter you shone.

... would be clingy – but not in the "You can't go out wearing that skirt" kind of clingy, but the "let's cuddle in bed all night, love." Kind of clingy.

... found himself dreaming of your future life together – he suddenly wanted to have kids. But only with you.

... would put in so much effort: He'd take you out on romantic dates, buy you things that he thinks you might like, hold hands with you all the time and press the back of your hand to his lips before letting go of you, whenever you had to part ways.

... can't go a day without hearing your voice.

... would even stop skipping classes and stop drinking if that ever bothered you.

... is afraid that you might get involved in his Death Eater business and will do anything to protect you from it – even if it meant locking you up some place far away.

"I just can't imagine a day without you by my side."

Theodore ...

... is shocked. Flabbergasted. Stunned. At a loss for words.

... had thought he wouldn't be able to love another woman after losing his mother. He didn't expect he' ever be ready to be vulnerable again. But there you stood, with that beautiful smile and bright eyes.

... doesn't know when it happened – it was probably, when you made pistachio cannoli in the school kitchens and presented them to him proudly. He had returned your sheepish smile with his eyes blinking dumbly at you as he tried to understand the situation. "You made them for me?"

... was head over heels for you after that day. You'd have him wrapped around your pinky – whatever you want, you'll get.

... would be even more protective of you and glare at everyone talking to you – even his own friends weren't spared.

... asks you to cook with him – to cook and bake for him. He'd watch you in the kitchen with heart-eyes – his mind wandering off to places.

... would plan to propose to you as fast as possible. There is no way he'd lose you.

"Amore, I know we are young. But I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Lorenzo ...

... notices the little changes in his own behavior: he hugs you a little longer and a little tighter whenever you embrace him. He'll squeeze your hand tight, whenever you're holding hands. He'll always wrap his arms around you protectively, whenever you are close enough.

... is scared at first – which resorts to him being even more controlling and overbearing. He'll even consider a Blood Oath or the Unbreakable Vow to bind you to him for eternity – but when he watches you sleep on his chest at night, with a peaceful look on your face, he inwardly kicks himself for his stupidity.

... will be more patient – more respectful with you. He constantly has to remind himself that love is not about control and owning but about trust and respect.

... struggles at first. But when you take notice of the effort he puts into your relationship – into loving you – you let your guards down completely. You truly feel comfortable around him.

"I'd do anything for you, princess."

Draco ...

... struggles with the onslaught of emotions and distances himself from you.

... would be scared to show you his true feelings – but he's also scared of pushing you away with his past behavior.

... would grow quiet and carefully think about what to do next – about how to approach you. He'd stop playing around with you.

... gives me the vibes that he'd immediately start planning your future in secret – if he is really sure about you, he'd probably confide in his mother.

... would be a complete gentleman: would buy you flowers, write you letters, spend quality time with you and really listen to what you have to say.

... he'd be much more selfless with you – what you want is more important to him than his own selfish needs.

"What have you done to me, princess?"

Blaise ...

... pulls you into a soft kiss the moment he realizes. He'll wrap his arms around you and hug you to his chest. He needed to feel you close – to know you're there and not just a dream. Because this boy is scared you'll disappear into thin air.

... wants nothing more than spend time with you. He'll almost always text you first. Will initiate soft touches and innocent kisses.

... will be so soft for you.

... would claim he couldn't sleep without you, just to watch you fall asleep in his arms. Knowing that you'll be there in the morning when he wakes up – safe and sound.

... is still overly controlling – but just because he is afraid to lose you.

... won't have any problems with showing his vulnerability.

"I'm scared of losing you, love. Please stay the night."

Tom ...

... is angry. Angry with you. Angry with himself. Angry with his stupid heart.

... would feel guilt settle deep in his stomach whenever he was mean to you, which bothered him because now he had to think twice about it before saying anything.

... can't stand the thought of you spending time with other people.

... is even more jealous and protective than before – because now he actually cares.

... thinks of the Unbreakable vow as well but will actually pull through and manage to make you consent to it. He couldn't risk losing you.

"I'll always protect you. You are mine forever."

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