Slytherin boys - Their ideal types

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Mattheo ...

... doe eyes – does not matter which color (although brownie points for brown eyes) – he'd spend hours just staring into your eyes. If you know how to use your eyes to your advantage, you'll have him wrapped around your finger.

... pouty lips with a defined cupid's bow. He'd always have to kiss you whenever he glimpsed at your lips – which was quite often. Be prepared to be kissed all. The. Time. Even during classes – which got you both detention for inappropriate displays of affection.

... he loves long hair, especially curly or wavy hair. Whenever he's bored, he'll twirl your curls around his finger.

... he needs a loving, affectionate, soft partner. He's quite needy and possessive, so he'll need someone who'll constantly reassure him without judging him for being overly possessive.

... however, he'd bee head over heels if you also have some sass to you: Sweet, loving but make it spicy.

... loves sneakers and his hoodies on you. Especially if his hoodies still smell like him. The thought of his smell marking you makes him want to go feral.

... would love someone who is inexperienced ... because let's be honest: the thought of you having been with other people would drive him mad and rob him of his sleep.

Theodore ...

... loves long hair as well. He'd try to braid your hair for you – he'd lowkey be possessive over your hair and get angry whenever someone else touches it.

... thinks he wants a more sultry-seductive-siren-like partner, but I think he'd simp for a golden-retriever-type-of partner.

... would secretly wish for you to cook and bake for him – especially Italian dishes and pastries.

... he loved his late mom but she was taken too early from him, which is why he needs someone nurturing, mature and someone who tells him when he's in the wrong – he won't like his partner telling him what to do though, especially if he isn't completely in love with them.

... has a corruption-kink, that he still has to recognize/accept, which is why he'd be crazy about an innocent partner – even if it's a facade. Bat your lashes at him, and bite your lips and he's gone

... loves – absolutely adores – milkmaid dresses on his partner

Lorenzo ...

... loves a good struggle – so, someone with an attitude – a diva!

... although he wants sass, he'd be mad if his partner refused to listen to him – but as mentioned above: he loves a good struggle, so challenge him.

... adores long hair, especially if worn down.

... wants a partner who always dresses up prettily – just for him!

... play hard to get and he'll be running after you like a starved dog – but don't let him grovel for too long, otherwise he'll be fed up.

... he wants someone who'll take care of him and praise him, someone who radiates warmth, someone who lets him be the little spoon once in a while.

... wouldn't want his partner to be taller than him.

... wants someone who only shows their true self to him – to people that they are close and intimate with.

... otherwise, he'd love for his partner to be more introverted.

Draco ...

... wants someone he can pamper.

... needs someone who will pamper him emotionally.

... loves lighter hair.

... adores the dark academia style on his partner.

... needs someone who'll listen to him – someone who is honest with him if need be.

... he'd need someone more goofy – a good-natured partner (that he can easily manipulate if he has to)

Blaise ...

... loves long hair.

... is drawn to out-going and playful personalities – someone he can have fun with.

... if his partner does not shy back from telling people to fuck off he'd be on his hands and knees for them.

... would absolutely freckles and/or siren-eyes – he'd be simping 24/7.

... thick thighs for days for this boy.

... someone who is shorter than him.

Tom ...

... wants someone smart, witty and strong-willed – but someone who will submit to him (although I believe the dark side of him would enjoy if they put up a fight once in a while, he'd enjoy the putting his partner in their place)

... would hate a clingy partner – but they would have to be ready to give him affection whenever he wants.

... does not care about hair length, but he'd like darker hair.

... needs (not wants) a caring partner, someone who'll stubbornly tell him to finally eat or get some sleep.

A/N: Comments are appreciated and motivate me to keep going! :)

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