Slytherin Boys - You are hit by an unforgivable

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Mattheo ...

... whips around to face you when he hears your pained scream. His whole body tenses, his chest tight as he struggles to breathe while his eyes search for you. The moment his eyes land on you he feels a stinging burn behind his brown orbs, his heart threatening to combust inside of his chest. He feels like he is trapped in slow-motion as he quickly turns to your tormenter, casting an unforgivable himself and taking the life of the cause of your pain. His feet then turn towards you, taking off to run to you – to hold you in his arms. He falls to the ground, gathering your stiff body and pressing your head into the crook of his neck – all the while stroking your hair. He knows how much you love it when he does it – you always claimed it was the most comforting thing he could do. He listened to you scream and cry in his arms, your hands gripping onto his shirt as you bit back another scream.

"I'm sorry, love. It's going to be fine. You're going to be fine." Mattheo brokenly whispered as he rocked you back and forth soothingly, "We'll be fine." He added quietly, wondering if you really would be. His heart broke when you begged him to kill you a pained sob forcing it's way up his throat as he shook his head. He'd rather die than lose you.

"No, no, no. Baby, no. It's going to be fine. Stay strong for me, baby. Please." Mattheo choked on a sob as he begged you to stay strong. He wouldn't let you die.

Theodore ...

... watched as you stumbled to the ground, the force of the curse sending you backwards. His eyes widened as he watched your lifeless body, anxiety spreading through his whole being as he watched for any sign of life – he did not dare to move. The silence was broken by your piercing scream of agony as your body spasmed. Theodore gasped for breath as he felt brief relief wash over him – you were alive. Yet at what cost? Another scream from you brought him out of his reverie, whipping out his wand he quickly immobilized your attacker before running towards you. Kneeling down next to you he checked you for any injuries, the frown on his face deepening when he couldn't find anything.

"Hush, Tesoro. Everything will be fine – you'll be fine. Try to take deep breaths for me, alright?" He hushed you desperately as he softly brushed the hair from your face with his trembling hand. He ignored your pleas to kill you as he stood up, with his wand in his hand. He turned to look at your attacker who was still stunned on the floor. Pointing his wand at the man on the floor he leered at him. "Tell me, what kind of curse was that?"

Theodore would find a way to stop your pain and after that he'd end the life of the man who caused you to suffer.

Lorenzo ...

... roared like a wounded animal when he saw you writhe in pain. He cast curse after curse until he was sure your attacker was dead. He had never been this glad about his upbringing before. Turning around Lorenzo immediately ran to you, one of his hands gripping onto one of yours as he cupped your wet cheek with his other.

"I'm so sorry, princess." He apologized, his eyes burning with unshed tears as he listened to your pained cries. "Please, be strong for me, love." Lorenzo's voice broke as another wave of pain crashed through your body, your grip on his hand tightening uncontrollably. The first tear rolled down his cheek when you told him to kill you. "No." He managed to grit out as he lifted you into his lap, holding your head to his chest. "You can't die." His lower lip wobbled as he racked his brain – thinking of any charm or any curse that might help. Squeezing his eyes shut he tuned out your screams – gasping when he remembered hearing of an ancient spell that could take someone's pain. He had read about it, and he was very well aware of the possible consequences. But he'd rather you live without pain than wishing to be freed.

"Don't worry ... I got you." He murmured as he whispered the incantation – hoping it would work.

Draco ...

... wept as he held you in his arms. He couldn't bear the sight of you in pain. Your body was convulsing, your head thrown back as another scream got stuck in your throat. He shouted for help when you momentarily stopped breathing, his voice raw with emotion as he looked around himself. There was no one there to help him. He was all alone.

"H-hang in there, doll." He touched your cheek with trembling fingers, leaving bloody fingerprints on your dirtied skin, his body relaxing as you started breathing again.

"I've got you. I 'll help you." He shushed you, crying along with you as another rush of pain overcame your tired body. "I'm sorry – I'm so sorry!" His voice broke as he kept apologizing for pulling you into his dark world.

Blaise ...

... briefly shut down when he saw your writhing body on the wet floor. He thought you were dead. His grip on his wand loosened, his world threatening to turn upside down. He felt nauseous, his chest tightening until he couldn't breathe – until he could. You had gasped for air, obviously alive. His short moment of relief didn't last long, for you started screaming bloody murder, your fingers digging into the floor beneath you. That's when he remembered: You got hit by the Cruciatus Curse. Blaise immediately ran to you, a deep frown on his face as you screamed in agony – you wouldn't stop screaming. Kneeling down in front of you he stared at you helplessly. He couldn't help you – you had to endure it. When you told him – no begged him to kill you, he shook his head quickly. "Be strong for me, love. Please."

Tom ...

... immediately took down the death eater who had dared to hurt you within the blink of an eye. He briefly checked his surroundings before turning to your hunched over body. You were screaming, your fingers gripping onto your head. When you saw his feet in front of you, you immediately looked up at him, teary eyes red as you parted your trembling lips. Suddenly, you threw yourself forward, clinging onto his legs as you begged him to stop it. To kill you. Tom stared down at you coldly – if he was worried or pained by your misery he didn't show it. He sighed deeply, knocking you out with a charm before pulling your body into his arms. He could never kill you – he needed you more than he wanted to acknowledge. He disapparated to his home – he'd find a way to help you. There was no doubt.


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