Hot Headed - Sebastian Sallow

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"Fine, be that way." Sebastian grumbled as he turned to leave, stomping towards the locker room. You watched him with sad eyes, shoulders slumped over as the words died on your tongue. He hadn't even given you a chance to talk. Sebastian had had you pressed against a wall before his quidditch game, his face angry as he practically breathed fire. He had seen you with Garreth's jersey in your hands and immediately ran up to you, hands on your shoulders as he bombarded you with questions. The only thing you got out was a quiet, "Sebastian ..." before he stormed off, obviously not interested in listening to your explanation.

Your eyes teared up slightly as you walked up the stands, sitting down right next to Natty who beamed at you when she noticed you. "What's with the long face?" She questioned when she saw your expression. "Sebastian is mad at me ..." Is everything you said, lifting your hand with Garreth's jersey. Natty immediately caught on and rolled her eyes in frustration. "Honestly, you guys should talk it out. You're obviously heads over heels for each other." She shook her head, a grin breaking out on her face. "Don't worry, he won't be mad for long. He can't go a day without talking to you – we both know that."

That's what Natty said but you didn't believe a word. Your eyes burned with unshed tears for the second time that day as you stood there in the middle of the Slytherin common room. Blinking furiously, you tried to force the tears away as you watched Sebastian pull a random sixth year closer by her waist, leaning down to kiss her. Like me? Yeah right. You thought bitterly as you turned to run out of the common room, zoning out everything else except for the door you didn't even hear the sound of Ominis' voice calling after you.

You ran to the only place you felt safe in – your safe haven: The room of requirement. You were met with deafening silence as you walked into the large entrance room, your whole body immediately relaxing as you took in your familiar environment.

"Ms. Y/N, is everything alright? You are crying." Deeks meek voice tinged with unmasked worry sounded from behind you. You flinched when you heard him, not expecting to find him here at this hour. Brushing away the tears you whipped around to face the small elf, forcing a well-trained smile on your face.

"D-Deek, I didn't notice you. What are you still doing here?"

"Apologies, ms. Y/N. I did not wish to scare you." He mumbled quietly as he fiddled with his hands. Crouching down in front of him you took a hold of his hands, the corners of your lips now pulling into an honest smile as you tried to reassure the elf. "It is alright, Deek. And thank you for worrying, but I am fine."

Deek stared at you for a moment before nodding shortly. "I'll be leaving then Ms. Y/N." And just like that, he disappeared, leaving you alone with the voices screaming in your head and the dull ache in your chest.

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