Slytherin Boys - What makes them toxic?

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Mattheo ...

... he'll always monitor who you're talking to without making it too obvious. He will listen to the conversations you have with others while pretending to be busy with something else. Messages? He has hacked into your accounts and checks everything regularly – there is nothing you can hide.

... whenever a boy's eyes linger on you for too long, he will memorize their faces and hunt them down either at night or early in the morning. If he finds out that someone has a crush on you, that someone will slip and fall down the moving stairs.

... if you don't want to be intimate before marriage – for whatever reason – he will guilt you into sleeping with him and giving him what he wants, whenever he wants. This way he can bind you to him in a much deeper way.

... at first, he won't care about what you wear and how revealing something is, but the deeper in love he is he will slowly start manipulating the way you dress

... depending on how naïve you are, he will make you do the unbreakable vow with him – promising to love each other until death does you part

Theodore ...

... wants you to always tell him where you are and with whom

... if you don't reply to his messages within minutes he will start calling you – and if that doesn't work, he will come find you

... has many female friends but won't allow you to have any male friends that he doesn't approve of – and he does not approve of anyone except for his own friends

... will occasionally flirt with girls in front of you just to make you jealous and to constantly remind you how desirable he is. If you get mad at him for flirting with other girls, he just makes you believe that you are being overly dramatic and that he would never flirt with others. It wasn't his fault that he had girls throwing themselves at him left and right

... bought you a necklace – basically a choker – with his initials on it and expects you to wear it all the time

Lorenzo ...

... never posts you on his socials but expects you to do it

... whenever you spend more time with your friends, he will start a fight to ruin your time with them – if you're not having fun with him, you won't be having fun at all

... always questions your love for him if you don't give him what he wants: You don't want to change your clothes? You must hate him. You won't stay in with him instead of going to Hogsmeade with the girls? He always knew you didn't love him as much as you claimed you did. You don't want to be intimate? Your love for him isn't strong enough – his ex-girlfriends never made him ask for it

... buys you clothes he likes wants you to dress up for him all.the.time

Draco ...

... he is annoyed whenever you have an opposing opinion

... uses his parents' wealth to impress and overwhelm you. You are mad at him? He buys you jewelry. He forgot your anniversary? He'll take you on a trip to Paris. He hurt you and screamed at you in a fight? He'll have roses delivered to your room every day until you forgive him

... you are not allowed to talk to the golden trio at all

... you always have to join him on the boring pureblood-events his parents host, even if you don't want to

... he has to be you first priority. Always. Even if you aren't his

Blaise ...

... is the sweetest and most attentive boyfriend until you do something that provokes him

... will cancel dates whenever Draco needs him and does not have any sympathy when you get mad at him for it

... can't help but smirk whenever girls stare at him with heart-eyes even if you are with him – he still enjoys their attention

... even though he stares at the cleavage of other girls from time to time he does not allow you to wear revealing clothes at all

... kinda ghosts you whenever he's back home

... calls his ex-girlfriends crazy and problematic

(Toxic) Slytherin BoysWhere stories live. Discover now