Slytherin Boys - with an innocent partner

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Warning: toxic boys! Not proofread.

Mattheo ...

... would be so protective. He'd want to rip his hair out whenever you smiled at someone else – ready to help with whatever.

... had been drawn to you because of your innocence but now he constantly had to bite the inside of his cheeks to keep himself from losing his grip on his sanity – he did not wish to scare you.

... would silently glare at anyone that dared to approach you, his arms crossed in front of his chest with his brow raised. He was glad that most people – especially those, who had heard every rumor about him – nervously smiled at you before retreating. And those who were stupid enough – or unfortunate enough to not know him – would have to deal with his wrath.

... however, would never want to change you – you were his little sunshine after all. He'd just need to get rid of all the annoying sunflowers trying to bask in your warmth. Your warmth was only reserved for him, after all.

Theodore ...

... was annoyed by your unrelenting need to help everyone out. He and everyone else were aware that you just couldn't say no. You simply couldn't.

... would try different ways to keep people away from you – with the male audience he was successful, silencing the lot with his bloody knuckles and a few of his favorite curses – but he couldn't go and hurt or threaten girls as well, right? Not only was it wrong, but the girls would surely talk about it and one day the whispers would reach you. He didn't want you to hate him.

... finally comes up with the perfect plan: He's going to manipulate you into thinking that your 'neglect' is breaking his heart and makes you believe that he feels unloved in your relationship. The tears in your eyes caused guilt to pool in his stomach, the sob that forced its way out from between your lips broke his heart but the way you clung to him was totally worth it.

Lorenzo ...

... has bitten his lips bloody from the all the times that his time with you had been interrupted by random students. Even in the privacy of either of your dorm rooms people would find you. Keeping his image that he had so carefully crafted in mind, he refrained from taking action – keeping everything he wanted to do to those imbeciles strictly trapped in that colorful mind of his.

... however, had never been the most patient boy – especially when it came to love. The moment you talked to that stinking Weasley something in his head seemed to snap – just like the ginger head's neck would if he continued talking to you.

... would be extremely possessive and jealous.

... for once in his life, wouldn't know what to do, without possibly ruining everything with you.

Draco ...

... fell in love with that sweet smile and those eyes that would light up, whenever he greeted you. However, he quickly realized that he wasn't the only one smitten with you.

... would be so pissed and green with jealousy.

... hates the idea of you spending time with people that did not deserve your attention and because he is afraid that someone will take advantage of you, he'll just stick to you 24/7. That way he can protect you if something were to happen.

Blaise ...

... loves watching you interact with your friends but only if it's with female friends.

... is very protective because he is afraid that people will take advantage of you.

... loves to be at the receiving end of your innocence.

... constantly teases you and enjoys watching your cheeks redden.

Tom ...

... love and hates your purity – who is he kidding? He fell in love with you for that exact reason, but he hates that he can't keep you bottled up and locked away just for himself.

... he'd definitely be the most direct and aggressive in keeping others away from you. He wasn't afraid of losing you – you'd never leave him. He wouldn't allow it.

... is your shadow – he'll follow you around everywhere because he doesn't trust anyone – especially not your knowledge of human nature.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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