Slytherin boys - What would lead the boys to change for you

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Mattheo ...

... who would have to lose you first before he was blessed with the realization that he had lost you due to his temper.

... who would at first be in denial, cockily telling himself that he didn't need you.

... who would only realize that he needs you after his father had died and his shoulders were finally free of the burden of the Death Eaters.

... who sat in his room all alone, with a picture of you in front of him. He'd break down crying, finally succumbing to the pain of losing you and allowing himself to heal from his past.

... who would take his time to let go of his past and focus on himself before he even dared to think of contacting you – for he knew that he needed you like air to breathe.

... who constantly felt the urge to stalk you. To see and find out about what you are up to. But a small voice in his head told him that it would be wrong. So instead, he chose to learn an instrument to take his mind off things.

... who would finally step in front of you after a year of not seeing you, with a sheepish smil and a warmth that you had never seen in his eyes before.

"Hey ... long time no see."

Theodore ...

... who suffered immensely from PTSD when you started distancing yourself from him.

... who immediately would disconnect from the outer world, skipping classes and avoiding anyone including you.

... who'd lie in his bed all day, with the curtains drawn. Not even stepping out to eat or shower.

... whose eyes widened, burning with guilt when your soft voice breached through the dark clouds surrounding him and opened the curtains to his bed. You slowly laid down facing him, your hand moving to hold his hand comfortingly.

... who'd break down in front of you for the first time ever – feeling as helpless as the young Theodore who had just lost his mother.

... who'd agree to see a muggle therapist if it meant you'd stay by his side forever.

"There is truly nothing I wouldn't do for you."

Lorenzo ...

... who would need to grow up first, to realize that he couldn't continue treating you like a commodity.

... whose heart broke the more your light dimmed, and your smile faded. The realization of him being the sole reason for your sadness killing him softly.

... who would stand in front of the mirror, prodding and pinching his face as the mask he usually wore broke apart.

... who would silently start changing and doing sweet little gestures that he knew you had appreciated at the beginning of your relationship.

... who would buy you fresh flowers every week, accompanied by a letter telling you how much you meant to him.

... who would distance himself from his toxic friends and family members that tried to tell him that you were not worth it, whereas his old self would have resorted to violence.

... who would start asking you about your thoughts and emotions more frequently, watching you glow while telling him about your own wants.

... who would hide notes of encouragement between your things – afraid he wasn't telling you how perfect you were enough.

... who would take you on dates that you would like, buy you things you'd mention wanting or liking in passing.

... who would grow to be your biggest supporter.

"You are the biggest blessing in my life, princess. I'll always support your decisions no matter what."

Draco ...

... who would watch you leave him because he had been too busy with himself to stop you.

... who only realized what he had lost after he graduated from Hogwarts.

... who wouldn't know how to contact you, suddenly afraid of being rejected.

... who would take his time to build himself up after having to deal with the repercussions of being a Death Eater.

... who would wait for a sign from the universe to talk to you, which came in the form of you walking into him as he rounded a corner in Diagon Alley.

... who would be overwhelmed by the onslaught of emotions when he finally had you in his arms again – even if it was just to keep you from falling. His eyes threatening to burn with tears.

"It's been a while ... would you like to talk over a cup of tea?"

Blaise ...

... who broke up with you, for you, because he knew you could never leave him, no matter how toxic he was for you.

... who broke up with you, to protect you from the darkness in his life.

... who would focus on a journey to find himself, occasionally feeling the strong urge to crawl back to you.

... who would strongly believe that if you were truly made for each other, you'd find a way to be together again one day.

... who would frequently ask about your well-being, happy to know you are doing better.

... who'd be ready for you after graduation, if you still wanted him.

"I just want you to be happy. Truly happy."

Tom ...

... who didn't believe in therapy or the concept of help in general.

... who would need to grow out of the role of Voldemort's oldest son first, before he could start working on himself.

... who would simply nod when you broke up with him – if you broke up with him.

... who finally admitted to himself that he needed help to be better for you.

... who would turn up on your doorstep years after graduation, with your favorite flowers in hand and a bunch of letters addressed to you that he had never actually sent to you.

"You look beautiful, as always."

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