Slytherin Boys - How they manipulate you into forgiving them after fcking up

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Mattheo ...

... will definitely use his puppy dog eyes to his advantage as he tilts his head forwards, his curls falling into his eyes as he guiltily looks at you. When he finally has your attention, he will slowly pull you into his chest by your hips, while mumbling apology after apology.

If you forgive him, he will passionately kiss you before peppering your whole face with wet kisses.

If you don't forgive him and push him away, his whole demeanor will change: head tilted back, eyes narrowed and a deep frown on his face. "Baby, you know I've ruined you for anyone else. No one else will want you." He'll speak lowly, his voice barely above a whisper as he lifts his hand to stroke over your cheek with his knuckles. "Do you want to stay mad and risk what we have?" Your eyes widen at the silent threat, your shoulders falling as you let him pull you back into his arms. "Thought so."

Theodore ...

... would turn the tables. He would gaslight you into believing that he is the actual victim – that you hurt him.

He silently stares at you as you angrily turn around to leave his room. He follows after you quickly and pushes the door close again with one of his hands, his chest pushing you against the now closed door. "You can't leave me. You know you can't, bella." He bends down to whisper into your ear, his hot breath tickling your sensitive skin, as his free arm snakes around your stomach.

"It is your fault to begin with ..." He presses a lingering kiss right behind your ear. "You've been neglecting me. I've been so lonely and hurt, while you spent so much time with your friends." Theodore's fingers played with the buttons of your shirt, "Would you have liked it if had abandoned you like you did?"

Lorenzo ...

... even though he is nothing like the overly sweet boy most people believe him to be, he uses that image to make you feel bad. He will put on a whole performance in public and start crying – full on sobbing, with flowers in his hands. If that is not enough to make you forgive him, he will get down on his knees, loudly apologizing while professing his undying love for you. "You know I love you more than anything, please forgive me!"

By that point students will have gathered around you, observing the scene playing out in front of them while murmuring about how pitiful the boy was. He was such a sweetheart, right? You should definitely forgive him. The voices of the others and the way Lorenzo clung onto your skirt with crocodile tears running down his cheeks drive you into a tight spot until you finally ask him to stand up under the pressure of the judging eyes of the student body.

"Do you forgive me?" He whispers hopefully as he stands up to look at you with big eyes. He immediately pulls you into a tight hug the moment you nod hesitantly, hiding his face in your hair as he smirks to himself.

Draco ...

... would use his status to threaten you into forgiving him.

Draco surprises you with an apology-picnic at the lake with the biggest bouquet of red roses anyone had ever seen in his hands. Anyone else would think he was about to propose with the way he had decorated everything and dressed up for the occasion. He slowly walked up to you apologizing while handing you the flowers. "I really am so sorry ... you have to believe me."

If you try to push the flowers back into his hands and reject his apology, he will forcefully push them back into your arms, the corner of his lips turned downwards into a frown. "It would be too bad if your father lost his job in the ministry just because his daughter was too proud to forgive her dear boyfriend."

He grits out furiously, leaving you with no choice. His face relaxes as you accept the flowers, his hands cupping your cheeks to pull you into a chaste kiss. "Let's enjoy the picnic darling, shall we?"

Blaise ...

... knows he is seen as one of the most unproblematic male students at Hogwarts and he will take advantage of that: he will have his friends spread rumors about how you ruined the relationship because you cheated on him with the most disliked student of your house. Blaise knew you would not be able to endure the onslaught of hate you'd get from your housemates and friends – it would just be a matter of time until you came back running to him, begging him to help you with the nasty rumors circulating the school.

"You know I hate seeing you hurt," Blaise sighed, lifting his hands to brush the tears on your face away. "You know I would do anything to protect you from any harm – but you are not my girlfriend anymore ... it is not my place to protect you. You told me yourself that you didn't need me anymore, right?" He pulled his hands away as he watched more tears roll down your cheeks. Blaise bites the inside of his cheek to hide the smirk as you started begging for his forgiveness – begging for him to take you back. Oh, how the tables have turned.  

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