Slytherin Boys - How would they react to you getting jealous?

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Mattheo ...

... would be aroused. He had noticed the way you were glaring at him from across the room as the talked to the small blonde girl, who was standing uncomfortably close to him. He was torn between pushing you against the wall you were leaning on, kissing you roughly with his hands in your hair or provoking you further to see if you would make a move. Before Mattheo could settle on one option, the blonde was already pressing herself against his chest with both hands on his shoulders. Mattheo stared at the girl in well-hidden disgust, pushing her back slightly before she could crash her overlined lips on his – but not removing her completely. His eyes wandered back to you only to find the spot empty. Frantically he pushed the blonde away, turning to look left and right only stopping when he caught sight of your retreating back. He followed you into the bathroom, the smirk long gone as he watched you stare at your reflection with watery eyes. Walking up from behind you he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest. You immediately tried freeing yourself, cursing at him for not pushing her off right away.

"Shhh..." He shushed you as he tightened his grip around you, "I'm sorry, baby. You know I only have eyes for you." He spoke softly, followed by a chaste kiss pressed onto your temple. When he felt you relax, he turned you around in his arms, gripping your chin to lift your head up with his right hand, his other hand possessively placed onto the small of your back. "But I have to admit ... seeing you this worked up has me feeling all kinds of things, doll." Mattheo smirked as the hand on your lower back moved down to squeeze your ass.

Theodore ...

... would definitely enjoy the reversed roles – it was refreshing to him. He leaned over the girl in front of him, his lighter in hand as he slowly lit the cigarette dangling from between her lips. The girl thanked him while biting her lips as Theodore pocketed his lighter before sending her a playful wink. You were left speechless as you glared at Theodore, mouth agape. When your boyfriend saw your face, he just shrugged his shoulders, not giving the impression of wanting to move away from the bold girl who was blatantly flirting with him in front of his girlfriend. He watched the way your hands balled up into fists, biting your lip as you obviously contemplated what to do. The tall male expected you to turn your back and run off but instead you ripped the cigarette from between his lips and threw it at her feet before grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the astronomy tower.

Theodore chuckled as he let himself be led away – already preparing himself for all the scolding he would have to listen to.

Lorenzo ...

... stares at you in amusement as you squished his face between your hands before pulling him down for a kiss. The girl who had just offered him a drink turned around with a huff before scurrying off. His hands found their place on your hips as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss, capturing your lower lip between his teeth before diving back in for more. He grinded his against yours, groaning into your mouth as his pants got uncomfortably tight.

"Let's take this somewhere else, baby." Enzo panted against your lips; eyes narrow, his eyes fixed on your swollen lips as he slowly pulled you towards his dorm. To him, you were irresistible – but jealous you? He'd be keeping you busy the whole night.

Draco ...

... smirks smugly as you remove his hand from your thigh again. You'd been sulking for the past twenty minutes because Astoria had been all over him during dinner because she had accidentally spilled her drink on his lap. To everyone's complete horror she had grabbed napkins and frantically started wiping at his lap and Draco let her, silently enjoying the attention – not Astoria's but the attention he finally got from you. You had been busy with your assignments the past few days and Astoria dabbing away at his crotch ought to have caught your attention. Not only that – but you were seething. "No, it's fine, doll." Draco smiled reassuringly at the embarrassed girl, finally removing her hands from him. He specifically chose the nickname he always used for you, a grin already on his face as he turned to face you again. He was met with a splash of water, his whole head dripping, as you placed your now empty cup back on the table before standing up to leave.

Well shit.

Blaise ...

... is the epitome of grabbing popcorn to watch the scene unfold. He leaned back in his seat, his legs spread open as he listened to you telling the girl to keep her dirty hands to herself. Before the girl could reply you sat down on Blaise's left thigh, his left arm immediately pulling you closer to his chest as you continued glaring at the girl. You only relaxed when the girl had disappeared, turning to look at your boyfriend with a raised brow.

"What? I was just enjoying the show, babe. You were kinda hot ..." He mumbled, pushing his face into your neck, peppering your soft skin with open-mouthed kisses as his free hand moved to caress your bare legs.

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