Research Station Zip

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"Criticism has been levied against the resistance after the destruction of Research Station Zip, due to how their lack of operations to hunt down surviving badnik groups which had ultimately caused the destruction of the station. There was only one survivor was left in the ruins of the station, that being Maple Emily, who survived in the base's communications room." Multiple New stations after the attack of Research Station Zip.
Sergeant Juno sighed as he and his squad patrolled around Research Station Zip. Most would see it as an unremarkable research base that also doubled as a supply hub, but underneath was a wide range of laboratories and storage rooms, with the station having around 400 personnel, with 300 of those being soldiers.

Now Sergeant Juno wasn't always apart of the resistance; he originally was working for G.U.N. as the fastest-ranking Mobian personnel, but now he was some lowly sergeant due to G.U.N. being in ruins since EggMan's attempt at world dominance.

"Hey Sarge?" Juno shook his head as he looked at Maple, the squirrel standing completely still as everyone else looked at the ground.


"Did we place mines around the station?" She asked, clearly scared, and Juno immediately crouched down to investigate the mine.

"Everyone, stay still. I don't know who the hell gave the order to lace the area with mines, but I am going to kill them!" Juno said as he tried to deactivate the mine but found that it wasn't even a mine at all.

"Am-am I fine?" Maple asked, and Juno nodded, allowing Maple to remove her foot from the metal. Out from the ground jumps a small robot, painted jet black and having three little legs. In the center of it is an E surrounded by stars.

"Is that a badnik?" Another squad member asked, that being Patches, as he quickly saw another robot pop out of the ground, his tail slowing down from its frantic wagging that it did constantly.

"Not one I recognize; maybe it's one of the brainiacs creations?" Juno replied as he petted the robot; it was seemingly friendly and-

A yellow laser passed by his head. He immediately drew his wispon and blasted the robot to pieces. He turned to see who got shot: Maple and Patches, firing their wispons into the robots.

But Juno didn't see the last member of his squad, Dull; instead, he found an ash pile and a wispon on the ground. Juno immediately took cover, along with Maple and Patches. He has never seen a laser that can disintegrate someone with one shot-maybe some experimental-heavy weapons-but not just a single laser.

"Hey Sarge, can we leave? Because I do not want to end up as Dull over there!"

Juno blindly fired his wispon into the slowly growing hoard of mini robots until he suddenly heard his radio start to buzz, He spoke into it quickly.

"This is Sergeant Juno; we are being attacked by strange bad-" Sergeant Juno was then interrupted by someone else on the radio.

"All forces outside of Zip, get back here now! The station is under attack by-"

The member suddenly stopped as the radio went silent. With a single nod and some gestures, Juno and the two other members of his squad rushed back to Zip.

After a couple minutes, their eyes land on the facility only to see that the outer defenses have been breached, meaning that whoever was attacking them (most likely remnant Badnik forces) had already made it into the main complex.

"Patches, cover me and Maple as we get the door open." Juno says as Patches nods. Juno and Maple slide next to one of the doors that could only be accessed by Mobians due to its size, frantically putting in the code. The door opens as Juno and Maple head in.

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