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"Never thought we would be helping mutants, but the order came down from General Owen that we were to help evacuate a city before booking it while Protocol Annihilation did its job. I asked Max what he thought of this but he just shrugged and said that since they were going to be burning mutants, just infected one, that he didn't really care. I guess I can cross out 'helping mutants' of my 'things I never do' bingo card." Private Journal of Corporal Jonah of the 37th Air Assault.

"We help them." Adam said that as the whole room went silent, most were stunned in shock, while some thought about going for their sidearms.

"That's insane! Why would we risk human minds for these animals that can't even defend themselves against an idiot that doesn't know basic military tactics?" An agent said, as one of the high-ranking members of the 10th spoke up, "The Chemical Corps will stand by this action."

Many gave befuddled looks to Major Nicolas, and he spoke, "This is what the Chemical Corps was born for; this is a bioweapon, and we have the tools to try and contain it."

"I'd say we glass this planet and forget about it, head home, and just focus on capturing our own world, not this one." Lieutenant General Owen, commander of all air assault and airborne divisions currently stationed at Fort Anderson, said.

The arguing continued on before Adam said, "We're helping them, and that's final. This is a threat that not only threatens the mutants but also the humans of this world and potentially the Enclave. EggMan would eventually find out about our operations and come after us, so we're going to bring the fight to him."

"Adam, this plan will anger the President and possibly much of the Enclave; it could ruin the DIA's reputation."

"If Operation Arizona Steel didn't ruin the DIA's reputation, then this won't as well. The president will understand that helping the mutant is distasteful; it will eventually lead to our conquest of this world. Everyone in this world shares one enemy, and that enemy is EggMan and his Empire of Terror."

Adam stood up as he looked at the map. The Enclave could not rule a world that was plagued by this virus, one that would take the Enclave a considerable amount of time and resources to create a cure for it, and that wouldn't do.

"We will stand with the mutant; we will bleed alongside the mutant. Until further notice, all Enclave personnel are to treat the mutants as friends and lend aid where possible."

A communications officer suddenly spoke up as he received a message: "Agent Adam, General Song, and the Navarro Veterans are leaving the base alongside all aircraft and support companies that belong to them. Orders?"

"Patch me in with them." Adam said that as General Song spoke over the radio, everyone stood in silence as they thought of what General Song could be doing and what the consequences of this plan would be.

"We are not turning back; we're going to make our stand with the mutants; we will not let some madman take over a rule for his own entertainment, especially one that resembles the disgusting Chemical Corps."

Agent Adam spoke over the channel while Major Nicolas groaned at the insult: "I wasn't going to ask you to turn back; continue on, Song; we'll be seeing you soon."

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