The Calm before the storm

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"Thanks to additional slaves being brought in for the camp, I had to order an expansion to the mutants quarters. I swear, it'd be better to use robots for these machines while we send all these bastards to the Arizona Camps, but I'm just the man that has to run all of this, so who would listen to me?" General Lucas of the 99th 'Mutant Hunters' Military Police Division.

Screams echoed across the halls of Fort Anderson. Mech-Sonic had to temporarily stop talking to Sigma because he wondered what was causing it—it wasn't torture since Agent Adams had a different way of doing it.

The enclave had a machine where they could see a person's memories, so there was no need to torture since they could immediately get the information they wanted, but that wasn't enough for the enclave since they needed obedience.

That's where the second function of the machine came in. Since the machine could also make a person forget memories, what better bargaining chip for obedience in a mutant than making them weigh the choice of having all of their memories wiped or living in slavery?

That was another thing that had started to happen: the Enclave started kidnapping mutants for experiments and slave labor since they realized that they could replace an entire village with synths instead of exterminating it.

It was a slower method than outright extermination and wouldn't completely replace the extermination mission many loved, but it would also cause less suspicion. Besides, the Enclave can't put any more pressure on the resistance since they've defeated the remnants of the EggMan Empire, and it would be harder to blame badniks for them since there aren't many of them left in the wild anymore.

Due to the combination of Enclave strikes and legitimate badnik attacks that caused the resistance to go on the offensive, mobilizing all other of their forces towards the last strongholds of the EggMan empire, the Enclave didn't know who was actually leading the remnants due to agents reporting coordinated attacks by the machines, but everyone soon learned who led them.

Metal Sonic, the'superior' model to Mecha-Sonic, even though he has failed many times but wasn't scrapped while he lost once and was forgotten about immediately by his creator, knowing that his'successor' was the empire's ruler?

It was....

Another scream echoed out through the halls, and Sigma spoke as he put a puzzle of the United States together: "Wonder what they're doing to the mutant?"

Mecha-Sonic shook his head and left, going to find out what was going on and why a simple torture session was taking so long, especially since every torture method took less than thirty minutes to break a mutant.

He strolled through the halls, seeing some other personnel also wondering what was going on. Mecha-Sonic sped up as he heard that the screams were slowly dying out and being replaced by the voice of General Orwich celebrating.

Mecha-Sonic turned into the interrogation room before finally seeing the cause of the screaming and why it had taken so long, and he was amazed, honestly, that his creator hadn't done this yet over all his attempts at world dominance.

A mutant lay on a surgical table, much of their body replaced by crude-looking machinery as well. Standing beside the table were General Orwich and Agent Adam. Orwich wasn't in her normal APA MKII power armor and was instead in doctor scrubs.

"Hey Mecha, decided to see our latest project?" Orwich said cheerfully before turning to the mutant and speaking, "Unit-01, pick up that can."

The mutant got off the bed and spoke in a robotized voice that had a hint of pain, "Compliance." The mutant, which Mecha-Sonic couldn't tell if it was male or female due to how much of it was replaced with machinery, bent over and picked up the can with a claw that had replaced its right arm.

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