Frank Horrigan

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Vault 103 report: Frank Horrigan has successfully been revived thanks to the efforts of the 10th Chemical Corps and will be sent over to the Mobian front to aid Agent Adam. Details about Agent Horrigan's resurrection are classified to everyone except for The President and his cabinet.


"Are you sure that thing is ready to be deployed?" An agent said that as Adam looked over the battle map in the command room of Fort Anderson, the enclave's next strike was to hit a G.U.N. base.

Much of G.U.N. was destroyed but remains scattered, lacking leadership and many splintering off into their own factions, but this base still clings to the old ideals of G.U.N. along with actively supporting the resistance with troops and armored vehicles.

Some agents had argued that they shouldn't be killing pure humans; those that did want to go ahead and assault the base didn't want to send the thing in there, worried that it would be too sloppy and wouldn't wipe the entire base out.

Agent Adam to rule them in and state that it was their best hope, along with it being a test to see if the thing had retained its skill since its death, worried that it had lost its touch in the decades since the destruction of the oil rig.

This thing was Frank Horrigan, and this would be his first combat operation after being...well, Adam still didn't know how the bastard was resurrected; all he knew was that the 10th Chemical Corps did something in Vault 103 and had been requesting additional resources.

He wondered what exactly was going on in that vault to require additional resources but shook it off as one of the Science Division's crazy ideas that somehow worked, especially since they now have Frank Horrigan back, better than ever, and ready to slaughter mutant scum.

"Yes, Horrigan is ready, and I think it would be a waste to see him rot away in Fort Anderson when he could be doing what he had been doing before his death, caring for the Enclave's dirty work, though he wouldn't have his shadow's alongside him." Adam said as another agent asked what exactly Horrigan's shadows were.

"They were elite troopers that served alongside Horrigan; we believe they died in the destruction of the oil rig, but due to some questionable choices by the DIA, we may never know who they were or if they were ever on the oil rig."

A sad thing really, two Americans that would never be identified for their courageous service alongside Frank Horrigan; maybe they weren't dead and had assimilated into the elderly of the enclave; perhaps they were apart of the Enclave military; or maybe they did die on the Oil Rig or during the attack on Navarro; they would never know.

"And does that thing want to go on this mission, or are you forcing him to go on it?" Adam shook his head at the question. He wasn't forcing Horrigan to go on this mission; he also doubts that anyone could force Horrigan to go on a mission.

"Of course not. He had apparently grown..tired; as the 10th Chemical Corps has told me, I don't know what he grew tired of when he was dead, but he wants to spill mutant blood once more, and who could deny him that?"

The other agents agreed, and after some arguing on how they were going to transport Frank Horrigan to the G.U.N. base, they finally decided on the plan of dropping Horrigan out of a Dreamlifter and onto the base's command room.

Agent Adam left the command room to head towards the area where he would find Frank Horrigan. That being Fort Anderson's new chapel, he didn't know why the monster of a man that Horrigan is would relax in a chapel, but it made finding him a whole hell of a lot simpler.

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