Department of War: Airforce and Navy

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The Department of War also held control over all air and naval assets that the Enclave own, whether they be Vertibird transports to the largest dreadnoughts.

(Enclave Fighter)

It is a little known fact that the F-85 was based off stolen American designs by Chinese sympathizers

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It is a little known fact that the F-85 was based off stolen American designs by Chinese sympathizers. The F-85 was supposed to be America's next generation fighter jet that would see us dominate the skies, but now we have it back. Ensuring our dominance in the skies in the post-war world. Anv statements that this is an Enclave lie are traitors to America.

The final modification for the F-85 sees the air-to-air components removed and replaced with a suite of air-to-ground weapons that allows it to stand toe to toe with its vertibird competitor, just like Pre-War times. While no longer targeting tanks or large formations on the Chinese mainland, it is still useful targeting roving raider bands, settler militia strongholds, and the occasional brotherhood mabile fortress.

(Enclave Nuclear Bomber)

Incredible operational range, higher service ceilling and the addition of a multi-spectrum flare countermeasure system all integrates seamlessly into the latest low-drag, high speed fuselage design our engineers have created

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Incredible operational range, higher service ceilling and the addition of a multi-spectrum flare countermeasure system all integrates seamlessly into the latest low-drag, high speed fuselage design our engineers have created. A rotary bomb-bay allows faster runs as well as decreased scattering of ordonnance, while integrated guided glider systems (et our crew perfectly pinpoint and strike strategical assets.

Heartland Striker Variant: Further enhancements to the low-drag airframe and lightening of the rotary system makes this the most advanced long-range bomber available to us, capable of striking targets at an incredible distance of our territory.

Nuclear Maritime Destructor: Lengthening the bomb bay and it's rotary system let us fire upward of five missiles per minute, while those missiles are specially made for anti-ship duties with accurate targeting uplink and a focused detonation effect, gutting even heavily armoured vessels.

Strategical Annihilator: Removing the entirety of the bomb-bay door and it's rotary drop system let us switch our explosive shells for a single, massive, 10 ton high-yield explosive shell.
This huge device can devastate entire cities in a single blast.

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