Sunset City

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"I hope everyone is having a good time, I know I am and those that aren't, keep your hopes up because things will always get better, and if they don't? Well don't think about that, now, onto some classical music, next is the Ink Spot's 'I don't want to set the world on fire.'" [REDACTED], host of Enclave Radio.

Sunset City was ablaze as more and more Enclave troopers poured in to counteract the hoard of infected to make sure that they weren't overrun. Normally, this would constitute an extra division or two of enclave soldiers.

But General Song called the other 18 Power Armored Divisions under his command, the divisions waiting in reserve just in case the Enclave needed additional numbers for the upcoming war.

That war is now happening, and the divisions came in on a hoard of vertibirds before landing at the ruins of Sunset City's airport, where the Enclave had organized all evacuation efforts. The 1st and 2nd division Navarro veterans numbered 1,000 personnel.

Now? 10,000 Enclave personnel stood at Sunset City as they burned, crushed, and melted through all enemy combatants, along with destroying large parts of the city due to the multitude of Enclave nuclear bombers doing dangerous close runs with napalm.

But even with the number of Enclave personnel, the evacuation was still taking awhile since civilians were either running into hoards of the infected, badniks, or rubble, thus causing the Enclave to send troops to the civilians, which leaves the airport at risk for attack.

The blessing was that the Enclave had total control of the skies and had used that to their advantage, though what they did would put the destruction that EggMan had done to shame, one that would make sure Sunset City and its surrounding areas never healed.

General Song had the entire area around Sunset City glassed to oblivion, destroying everything and leaving a molten wasteland for all to see. It proved effective since the area was completely hospitable to anything, whether organic or machine, meaning that the infection couldn't spread while the evacuation was still happening.

Though this action made it so that Archimedes would be on cool down and thus the Enclave couldn't completely annihilate Sunset City, making it so that after the battle was over, the Enclave would have to occupy the city until further notice.

That wouldn't sit well with the restoration considering the fact that the enclave had destroyed much of the continent while causing a refugee crisis for all the others due to them not being hit by the virus yet.

That was due to the Enclave's extensive use of naval and air patrols to surround the continent so that if EggMan tried to make a break for the other continents, he would get hit by multiple Eden-Class Dreadnoughts equipped with railguns that would be able to pierce his shield.

As the sun rose, the fifth day of the battle of Sunset City began with the whir of vertibird blades and constant plasma fire...


Sonic turned a corner and saw the remnants of a firefight. He had learned quickly how to establish what had happened in each block, in each street, and in each home; everything had a story, and he could tell that this city was giving EggMan a butt kicking.

He passed by goo piles and melted through badniks as a super badnik lay on its side, a hole punched through its head, most likely a tank or some other armored vehicle. Ever since the Enclave showed up, Sonic and probably a lot of people thought that the Enclave were either the continuation of G.U.N. or another G.U.N.-like unit.

He doubted the ladder since why didn't they help during the war or during the resistance's hunt of all remaining EggMan strongholds, which led to them dueling Metal and once again beating the faker in combat?

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