Space Port

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"This is Spaceport Alpha, we're requesting winter clothing along with more supplies in general. I know that resources are a little spread thin right now Miss Rose, but we need the supplies or else the troops will burn even more chemicals that could be used for more than rainbow gasoline." Commander Garnet's request for additional supplies to be sent to the spaceport garrison.

"Well, your shield tanked most of the damage from the RPG, and your armor took care of the rest, but you still have to be careful; just because you've been upgraded to have a saturnite body along with shielding doesn't make you invincible." Mecha-Sonic rolled his head as General Orwich fixed him.

A week or two had passed since Mecha-Sonic had helped exterminate the unimportant village. After returning to base, he had seven more missions to go on alongside either SIGMA Team Yellow or members of the 37th Air Assault Division.

Most of the missions were simple extermination missions. Get dropped off at the target location, kill everything, and leave before any sort of relief force arrives, though two of the missions did involve him sneaking into secret resistance bases and stealing a wide variety of things.

The last mission he went on had him getting shot at point blank with an RPG by some rat called Maruc. The mutant had survived a long time in the winding corridors of a fort in the arctic after everyone else was slaughtered by Mecha-Sonic and SIGMA Team Yellow.

He remembered that the fort was so cold that each hallway was like an ice sculpture made out of blood, so beautiful but yet so horrific. Mecha-Sonic remembered when he found the mutant hiding out in the armory.

Mecha-Sonic lunged at the mutant, but the mutant pulled the trigger of the RPG. When the rocket hit Mecha dead on, it had not only taken down his shields but also killed the mutant and detonated the rest of the armory.

He had to claw himself out of his would-be grave, and when he got out of the rubble, he had to immediately catch up to the yellow team's vertibird since they thought he was destroyed and didn't want to risk the chance of someone coming to check to see if the base was alright.

"You should be good to go, little guy; just never underestimate anyone, even if they're mutant scum." Orwich said, and Mecha Sonic nodded as he hopped off the table he was laying on.

He left the general's workshop as he walked through the halls of Fort Anderson, named after the current Enclave president, who had originally wanted the Enclave to immediately invade the world in the name of the Lord.

Though his idea was immediately shot down when every other high-ranking member of the government told him that would be suicide and would make everything they did worthless, instead, they sent out an expedition to spy on the world.

So they hid, manipulated, stole, and simply watched as the world saw battle after battle, calamity after calamity, culminating in one war that was EggMan's chance to finally win against the hedgehog.

And he blew it, relying on a singular mutant to bring him many victories and the incompetence of the resistance leaders when it came to tactics to win many of his earlier battles in the war.

Only to be defeated by the hedgehog, some no-named mutant, and the child version of the hedgehog, the Enclave had no idea how a child Sonic came to help the resistance but chalked it up to the strangeness of the world.

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