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"Anything that the virus touches must be purged and removed from existence. The infected are already long gone, they are just walking corpses. Those of you that have family that have been lost to the virus, I'm sorry but move on and try and get to any Enclave forces or if their left on the continent, the restoration. They will bring you to the other continent, the US should handle it from there, apparently they're safe." Remnant G.U.N. Forces as they search for safety.


Agent Adam could only look to the side as he saw that Agent Moses had drawn his sidearm and pulled the trigger. The round was flying through the air and hitting Sonic right in the chest; luckily, it was only .45 ACP, but Adam had a sneaking suspicion that Moses had loaded Hollow Point into it.

While the silence still lingered, Adam took another sip of his tea before calmly getting up and speaking, "Moses." That was all he said before he drew his own sidearm and shot Moses in the head, and while Moses's helmet would have normally protected him against most rounds, that didn't really matter when Adam had a Gauss pistol.

Moses fell dead as the silence continued, and while Adam did feel remorse that he had to kill a fellow human, said human had possibly just killed them all because he just shot a round into the gut of a hero that had killed false gods.

Adam also noticed that there was a synth component in the remnants of Moses's head. Did Moses know he would pull his sidearm on the blue mutant and, instead of restraining himself, just order a synth replacement? It doesn't matter; the only thing Adam wanted was to be alive after this meeting.

After the dreadful silence finally ended, did Adam finally take part in the argument? "Orwich, get Sonic tended to. Miss Rose, while I admire you for wanting to save the infected, I would like for you to acknowledge the fact that it may be too late to save them."

"They're still people!"

"It depends on your definition of people." Adam said with a smile underneath his helmet that he was going to enjoy this: "The Enclave's definition of people is generally beings that do not wish to completely exterminate an entire planet."

The irony wasn't lost on Adam when he said that, and in fact, it made him chuckle while the mutants gave him a disgusted look. All this while Orwich had carried Sonic out of the room, the mutant being in shock after getting shot.

"Anyways, Mr. Prower, you suggested creating a cure?"

The fox, still stunned, spoke with a stammer that a child would have when talking to a disappointed parent: "Yeah, Agent Adam, but I would have to get to my house in Central City to gain the equipment and-"

"Say no more; I'll have three SIGMA teams escort you there. General Alison, does Central City have an enclave presence?"

"No, Sir. But I can relocate the 24th and 56th infantry divisions here to the city." Alison said, and Adam nodded as he turned back to the mutants. "We'll help create a cure."

The fox smiled, but Amy wasn't having it and spoke, "We'll let you help if you stop annihilating everywhere you go; even places with your own troops are getting annihilated; just look at Sunset City and Station Square."

"Both are secured."

"It doesn't matter if both are secured when all that's left is ruins and the occasional Enclave fortification!" She yelled, and Adam was about to curse the mutant out before remembering she's a teenager who is now the leader of a military organization.

"Is there anyone here that isn't a teenage girl?" Adam said, while also gesturing for the fox and Alison to leave, This was going to be a long meeting...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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