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"Due to increase use of badniks in EggMan attacks, all Enclave forces will be deployed with both virus killing weaponry and their normal weaponry, but will retain the APA MKII Cryo, APA MKIII and Biohazard suits. Alongside that, the President has deemed fit that we should receive extra Chemical Corps divisions. That is all for today, may God protect you all in these dark days." Agent Adam's daily announcement over Enclave Radio.

Sonic had run for awhile as he hunted down EggMan's ship, not risking taking a break due to the fact that much of the continent was being destroyed due to EggMan's new plan at world dominance and the Enclave's 'help.'

Sure, the Enclave was saving people, providing supplies, and protecting people, but did that really matter when everywhere they went ended up as a wasteland? Sonic guessed that they had probably glasses half the continent with whatever space laser they had.

Aside from them becoming the number one producer of glass, they had started using extensive bombing campaigns to not only strike newly established EggMan bases but hoards of Zombots, reducing them to nothing but goop thanks to napalm.

That was another thing. Sonic had an issue with the Enclave and their complete lack of mercy when it came to the Zombots. He had hoped that Amy could set up a meeting with whoever is leading the enclave and discuss the fact that they can't just kill everyone who's infected and that they need to look for a cure.

Sonic stopped on a hill for a second as he looked down upon a hoard of Zombots migrating somewhere else, though that didn't last long as suddenly a group of aircraft flew overhead, bombers most likely as they dropped their payloads over the hoard.

Sonic had to cover his ears as he heard the cacophony of pain resound throughout the land as the Zombots melted due to being covered in napalm while the virus on the ground was destroyed as the land was destroyed.

At least when the Enclave just glassed an area, it immediately ended the hosts pain, but dropping napalm, burning them alive like he'd sawn Mecha do, and probably a myriad of other ways the Enclave had to kill just drew out their pain.

Sonic ran off once more as he saw what looked like streaks that jets would leave behind, pointing to the east. He followed it and found himself in the village where Vanilla and Cream lived, where EggMan was currently attacking.

Sonic looked up as five jet fighters, all bearing Enclave E, appeared out of thin air and launched a multitude of missiles into EggMan's ship before disappearing into thin air once more. Sonic guessed that since EggMan had to release the virus through the ship's mouth, he had to deactivate the ship's shields.

That's when he also saw a friendly face covered in the virus. He spat fire at every zombot he could see and probably was some sort of vanguard for Enclave forces. "Hey Mecha! Need some help?" Sonic said as he skidded to a stop.

Mecha put a foot on a zombot as he activated its booster, melting the zombot head off as he turned and tossed something to Sonic. Sonic unfolded it and saw it was some sort of hazmat suit for him: "This should protect you."

Mecha immediately blasted off after setting some sort of beacon on the ground. Sonic didn't know exactly what the beacon did, but he had a good guess. After putting it just in the suit, he immediately got to work carrying survivors out of the area since he knew he was most likely on a timer before the enclave reduced the village to nothing but ash.

While Sonic appreciated the fact that the suit protected him from the virus, it made it so that Sonic really couldn't spin dash without breaking the suit and exposing himself to the virus once more.

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