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Mission briefing: Exterminate the village before making sure that all evidence is destroyed. Mecha-Sonic and multiple assaultron MKIIs will be deployed alongside you, good luck and may God bless you.
Corporal Jonah twisted and turned his rifle as the others chatted about a wide variety of things. The rifle was a new one due to the Science Division's finding a lost prototype in the Mojave, that being the XM4 RAW.

It was a lightweight, semi-automatic, quality-made Gauss rifle that could be produced at a fraction of the cost of a normal M72 Gauss rifle, though the reason why it could be produced so cheaply was due to the fact that it was based on the M4.

So more than three centuries after its introduction to the US arm forces, the M4 is still seeing service alongside even the most advanced weapons that the Enclave has to offer. There really is no beating the classics when it comes to US firearms.

"*Should I stay or should I go?*"

When the vertibird pilot started playing music, Jonah immediately knew that they were closing in on the target location, meaning that it was time for his first verti-assault, though the location wasn't that well defended.

It was a decently large village on the outskirts of a city called 'Station Square,' which made Jonah wonder who was the genius that came up with that name. It probably made filing paper work harder since the person had to make sure it was a city and not some park or train station.

Now the reason Jonah and his fellow soldiers were going to practically annihilate a village from existence was due to the fact that an eyebot had been disabled nearby and the village had found it.

Not wanting the townspeople to eventually send the eyebot off to researchers that most likely wouldn't find out about the Enclave's existence from one single eyebot, they would make note of the fact that it was a robot of high quality whose design didn't resemble any faction's robots.

So Jonah and the rest of his squad, along with some assaultron MKII's and the metal hedgehog that General Orwich fixed up, were sent to make the village 'disappear.' Which, in reality, meant to land in the village, exterminate everyone there, and plant enough explosives to level a mountain before bugging out.

The side door of the vertibird slowly opens as one of his squad mates goes to man the plasma-LMG. It was another recent addition to the enclave's arsenal, thanks to the Science Division. The design originated from the multiplas rifle; both the VB-01s, VB-01C Vertifalcons variants, are now equipped with it.

As a combination of music, plasma fire, slurs from his squadmate, and screams from the mutants down below started to fill the air, Jonah laid his head against the metal hull of the aircraft. This was the life of air-assault soldiers...and he loves it.

(--------Before the assault---------)

Smith kicked his legs as his father tried to turn the strange robot back on, it had been damaged by some badniks that the local resistance garrison dealt with fairly easily.

Smith was always told that he couldn't go watch the garrison fight off the badniks but he didn't care and always snuck out to see them, to see these heroes fight off against the evil robots.

Sure a lot of the other kids in the village talked about their dreams of meeting Sonic, Amy and all the other heroes of the resistance, but Smith didn't understand why they were considered heroes and not the normal people fighting.

He knew they did good and had saved the world, but that was because a lot of them had abilities that barely anyone else had, they were leagues more powerful than a normal person but that just meant when the normal people won over badniks, it showed that the normal people could stand up for themselves.

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