Rise of Evil

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It was debated by many wasteland historians when America truly died; some said that it died during the Great War, while others argued that it died when Control Station Enclave was destroyed by the Chosen one all those years ago.

Whilst neither are completely wrong, America died once and for all when Franklin Anderson became president of The Enclave, damning the world to a new dark age as The Sierra Army Depot churned out weapons for The Enclave war machine.

Months passed, and when New Reno became the 'Chimeran Consensus,' having a heavily mutated nation near their refuge finally caused The Enclave to finally push into New Reno, its spearhead being 20 Power Armor divisions that pushed down south to New Reno, led by General James Song, hero of the Enclave and the man that allowed many Enclave refugees to escape Navarro.

Throughout the city resounded the screams of mutants as Enclave PA troops blasted, burned, and sawed through the beasts at incredible speeds, having captured the city in three days with no mutants standing.

In the north, General Jack 'Shadow' Churchill pushed through enslaved mutants with two divisions of robots and five infantry divisions. Many of the mutants welcomed death rather than enslavement from Chief Thradd.

Once the north was secured and the mutants' military was destroyed, The Enclave annexed the territory and started to round up mutants into the central areas to keep an eye on them while The Enclave repurposed their factories for their own use.

But The Enclave was still fighting its own war inside its ranks, and after a night where Anderson tried to eliminate Douglas Granite, the leader of the Reformer Party, the Reformers deserted in their vertibirds and, from radar scans, were apparently heading west to a small fishing town turned mercenary company.
Anderson put off dealing with that since The Enclave at the Sierra Army Depot was finally unified and could get on to business, the first step being, surprisingly, rebuilding the Defense Intelligence Agency to act as The Enclave's eyes, ears, and hands in the wasteland.

The reformation of Enclave Sigma allowed The DIA to intervene in many conflicts around the wasteland, whether that be the streets of Denver when the WARDEN A.I. awoke to reclaim America or the Mojave desert, where The Enclave sabotaged the NCR war effort against the Mojave Brotherhood.

While the DIA lurked in the shadows, the Department of War moved through the tribal nations of Modoc and their allied tribe of the Nevada Free States, their tribes not surviving long against Enclave PA led by General Lauren 'Coyote' Kelly.

Next came the Yakuza Territories, and thanks to a suggestion provided by one Sergeant Major Eddie R. Fox, the war ended quickly when Enclave Paratroopers led by Mateo Burnside struck at the Yakuza strongholds, crippling them and allowing Enclave forces to clean up the shattered raiders.

Vault City was the hardest, not because they were strong but because of what they identified as, since they were mostly pure humans and thus could become legitimate citizens in The Enclave. Many said that anyone outside The Enclave were mutants, but with a strike of Anderson's pen, Vault City residents-those inside the walls-were proclaimed human.

The next target wasn't as difficult to justify. The S'lanter were a disgusting mutant species, another result of FEV testing, and were slowly growing. That growth was stopped when Enclave robot divisions led by Lieutenant Mary Orwich came crashing down upon them; none were left standing as researchers came down to study bodies.

After that, The Enclave sat as they manipulated things all across the wasteland, from intervening in wars to assassinating high-profile targets. Sometimes they did expand their territory, but not enough to alert the bear to their actions.
The Enclave's brightest minds continued to innovate, giving the Enclave better tech than ever before while improving the living conditions of Enclave citizens, but it all came down when the DIA pulled their riskiest move.

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