Desert Brawl

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Mission Briefing: capture the village, secure as many mutants as you and kill the resistance fighters, the 15th will quickly join you and the area around the village will be jammed so that no communications could get through so you can have all the time in the world. May God bless you.


Corporal Jonah looked up at the sky while Max burned a pile of resistance fighters behind him, the smoke rising up into the light blue sky of a world untainted by nuclear holocaust. 'Weird to see such a blue sky.' Jonah thought before checking his pip-pad.

He heard that the 22nd Chemical Corps had taken an old spaceport by just dumping every monster the Enclave had in its deck alongside the metal hedgehog, so the Enclave was going to spaceships eventually, so that was fun, and here he was stuck in the middle of the desert.

The 37th was deployed in its entirety to capture a mutant village—not exterminate, but capture. Once the village was captured, the 15th Infantry Division would march in and secure the mutants as slave labor for some project General Orwich was cooking up.

Though they wouldn't destroy the village since Agent Adam has a plan to replace everyone with synths, lowering the level of suspicion caused by the Enclave strikes into mutant territory since he heard that everything is already getting hot enough, there is no need for the Enclave to douse some extra gas on an already large forest fire.

Apparently the mutants were starting to hunt down the last strongholds of the EggMan Empire and would most likely overextend themselves, thus allowing the Enclave to swoop in and kill them all.

Resistance members were all still killed, though, since they were the most probable to try and start a slave rebellion while in captivity. As President Anderson once said, 'Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the mutant is not equal to humanity and that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is its natural and normal condition. This America is the first human nation in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. This truth has been slow in the process of its development, like all other truths in the various departments of science."

And you couldn't have any of that when mutants were rebelling; also, the resistance fighters would have some combat skills—not a lot, but enough to cause a disturbance in any labor projects that the Enclave needed them for.

Anyways, the assault was nothing noteworthy; some resistance fighters tried holding up in the village's government building, and instead of assaulting the building, the 37th just poured mustard gas into the building and let the problem fix itself.

"Feel like we're back in Arizona? Doesn't it?" Max said as Jonah saw some of the 15th walk by, clad in the black combat armor and gasmasks that have yellow visors. Jonah never really understood why they had yellow visors, but they did look nice.

"Well, this time we aren't hunting mutant larpers that use tribal equipment with some guns, but animals with somewhat up-to-date equipment, by our standards."

"I guess..."

Followed behind them were a set of trucks that contained mutant survivors, most clad in bare rags or nothing at all. The enclave didn't strip them down, though; the village was large but poor, and some mutants just wore nothing while not exposing...anything.

Jonah felt uncomfortable looking at some of the pictures of the mutant heroes just in case they had to fight them sooner than they expected, and when it came to the two-tailed fox, he looked away since it was a child that was naked outside of shoes and gloves.

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