A New Threat

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"Doctor Linsey, while I admire your commitment to learning about this strange virus and taking samples of it back to Vault 103, we must keep this under wraps from others until we're ready, until then, I'll have the quartermaster give out additional flamers, heavy incinerators, cryolaters and other weapons that should kill the virus to Enclave personnel, say that they are better at killing mutants than their normal weapons." Major Nicolas of the 10th Chemical Corps.

"Two days ago, recon teams had discovered an EggMan facility located inside the mountains." Agent Adam briefed Mecha-Sonic and SIGMA Team Yellow, SIGMA standing in modified suits of HERMES armor that would make them immune to all types of fire. A few months had passed since the end of the war, and thus missions came in slower for the Yellow team.

They were all going to be deployed with flame-based weaponry, and Mecha even had some upgrades that gave him a plasma and normal flamer instead of the laser and plasma blasts that he would normally be equipped with.

"How do we know it's an EggMan facility? The last one we went to was a restoration base that, may I mind, was almost able to get a signal out to others." Major Beck said as he checked the fuel canisters of his heavy incinerator.

"The DIA is still very sorry for that, and yes, we are quite sure this is an EggMan facility." Adam then tapped on the holographic battle map to show the facility entrance, which had a stone carved into EggMan's face.

Everyone stood there, flabbergasted, until one of the other members of the Yellow Team spoke, "And they say this guy has over 200 IQ. I bet if we ran him through a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. check, we would find that his intelligence is below average, but he just has really good luck."

Some of the others laughed; Mecha even laughed at the jest at his old creator before Adam had ordered them to calm down before continuing, "Other scout teams report claim that the restoration's leader, Amy Rose, along with Sonic the Hedgehog, with Sonic speeding away in haste after encountering something inside,

"So something scared the blue mutant and caused him to run away like a coward; what else should we know?" Mecha said as Adam brought up additional pictures of the facility along with some other facilities that are currently being investigated by two other SIGMA teams.

Apparently the members of the 10th Chemical Corps had brought two SIGMA teams courtesy of the President, but that wasn't the only thing that the members of the 10th brought with them; alongside the SIGMA teams were additional deathclaws, wannamingos, moth men, and other monsters.

But they did bring a division of power armor units, all of them clad in APA MKI that was a lot cleaner than the armor of the 1st and 2nd Navarro veterans, though the men of the division were very quiet.

Some suspected they were just suits of armor controlled by Sentinel A.I. chips, only to find out that they did have life signs and there was something under the armor; they just didn't know what; maybe they were traitors that the 10th lobotomized?

Anyways, the other facilities were already being investigated by the other SIGMA teams, so it was up to Yellow to secure this facility and figure out what had scared the hedgehog so much to speed away in a panic, since the Enclave would love to see what did it.

"It is lightly guarded and shouldn't prove much trouble, though if you encounter any restoration forces trying to occupy it, then sneak in and plant multiple mini-nuke mines to bring the place down on top of the mutants."

"In and out, I got it." Major Beck said as the squad leaves the room and heads over to the hanger, where some XVB-02 transports are waiting for them, along with some that belonged to the 10th and 22nd Chemical Corps, with shipping containers strapped to them containing God knows what.

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