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"Ahh why every bad thing is happening today?" A young girl in her mid twenties wearing black pants and a black leather jacket, with long black hair looked like a anime character herself said to herself while dailing someone's no."Hey motorcycle has stopped working.. come and pick me up"she said on the phone in irritation"Ahh Y/N can't you do anything...fine tell me where you are ??" Person on the other side of phone replied"I am infront of the bar near my company... Come fast I am going to take some shots.I am hunging up "with that she hung up the phone and started going in.


You enter the bar and looked around "it's quite luxurious" you thought as you walk in you ordered some drinks and was just wondering about your life,when you heard some girls squealing.It was making you more irritating by the passing second, you were about to say something to them but your phone ringed catching your attention "Yes Lia ?..have you arrived?" You asked on phone "Hmm... Come out" you heard her say , with that you hung up .

You started going towards the exist of the bar but suddenly you hit something solid yet soft when you look up you saw the most handsome man you laid your eyes on ,he had muscular yet slim body , his face was a art of work he was art of work but you thought he was a little familiar like you saw him like TV or any video .You both were thinking and staring at eachother but it was interrupted by the girls screaming ." What a same there is no place where I can get what are you thinking apologize " he said with a blank face and in a cold tone ,the moment you heard him say that you took your words back"what a handsome jerk " I thought"excuse me?...why should I apologise?? You should be the one saying sorry " you declared in a cold tone

"You the one who bumped in me" he said with out wasting a second "No-" you were about to say something but he interpreted you " I don't have time for you " he declared in an irritating tone, you were about to say something but then Lia appeared " what are you doing stop fighting.. let's go" she said dragging me outside "what were you doing ?! you know he was THE KIM TAEHYUNG " she said " IDC" I declared, while she face palmed herself saying "just get in the car"

Taehyung POV

I was entering the bar ,the moment I stepped in the bar a group of girls starting squealing. suddenly a girl bumped into me, when I saw her it felt like the world stopped, her beauty was out of the world. I felt like I saw her before but then due to some girls I came to reality and thought" she is just like others after me because of my money and my beautiful face "..... When she left I heard her name Y/N, if I met her in different circumstances I would be admiring her which is unusual


After ten minutes into the drive I finnally asked Lia " Hey Lia ... Who was he do you know him?" She looked at me and asked teasingly "why now?.. don't tell me you already have a crush on him??"" Absolutely no he was just some handsome jerk... If you don't wanna tell then don't " you said and looked outside because you were blushing but you don't know why. " Handsome huh?..." You gave her a glare.

" Fine .. he is the CEO of KIM industry, the biggest company of Korea before your company." You suddenly look at her and asked " you mean my parents' friends and our old business partners' The KIM industry ?? So he 's son of uncle and aunty kim ?? But he was in US??" " Yup.. he is .. he returned a week ago.." she said answering,you just replied with "oh""oh we reach your manor " she declared . The car stoped infront of your executivly and luxuriously made manor, you stepped outside and bid Lia good bye.

After taking a shower you step in your walk in wardrobe which was filled of expensive coats as you are the CEO of the Lee industry , and the rest of the clothes are baggy clothes and leather jacket and comfortable PJs,the were mostly black and blue. You picked your PJs and went in your room . Your walk towards the bed and jumped on your soft mattress and grap your phone.

You saw msgs from Mrs.Lee your mom " hey you have to come home tomorrow. No excuses will be heard " you just replied " ohk" and went to sleep still thinking about that handsome jerk.

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