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We reached Y/N 's high school an hr later. We entered the hall and everyone went silent and looked at us like we are some kind of aliens. I could tell Y/N is nervous just by the way she is clutching on my coat. I gently creased her hand to calm her.

The silence was broke when someone shouted " Our captain is back! " I am super confused now. And the whole room erupted in applaud.

Some girls came towards Y/N and hugged her. I knew Y/N didn't feel too comfortable so I pulled her by her corset slowly . The girls stepped back and Y/N came towards me. Before I could tell them to give us space, I heard " They are Y/N's old basketball teammates and she was used to be the captain " Lia whispered near my ear. I surprised not because she used to play basketball as I saw her seeing basketball matches but what truly surprises me is that she is not in any contact with her teammates.

I was just thinking when I saw one of the girls grabbing Y/N's and gently requesting us to come our table where all the other male and female players were sitting. Y/N looked towards me to ask " As you want princess " I stated and saw a shocked looked on girls face while my wife b

The girl released her hand and she came back towards me and hold my hand. I went to towards her ear " See the duality of my wife being a bold women some minutes ago and and being the cutest puppy " I said only to get a kick on my leg by her. But that too made me coo at her.

We reached their table and I noticed how everyone looked at us and then one specific boy who eyeing me since I came their with YN. And what luck have is the two empty places were beside that boy only.

And I could tell by YN's expressions she wasn't comfortable in sitting next to that boy so I did. And I YN signing in relief.

" Daniel and you are Taehyung right?" That boy asked me while forwarding his hand towards me, I shook his hand while saying " Yeah I am Kim Taehyung YN's husband " I focused on the word husband. He nodded.

The next hour we both sat their only, I got to know that YN was the best player that the school ever had and I was very proud and YN didn't seem distant from her friends and that's is killing me to know why didn't they attend our wedding.

" And what your honeymoon? " A girl asked out of nowhere making both me and YN a little uncomfortable because this is our private matter. But she replied with hesitation " Actually we are leaving this week for our honeymoon in Paris " She said getting different reactions from everyone.

Some minutes later I felt YN's hand on my thighs I looked at her. " It's getting late we should go...everyone (8 STARS) already left " She whispered near my ear. " Are you not hungry? You haven't eaten much today and right now also you ate a little that also from me. " I asked her but she just shook her hand and I just sigh. She bid good bye to her friends and we left.

She is walking ahead of me , she was about to open the door of the car gate but stopped and turned towards me with a grin on her face. I knew what she exactly wanted, but still that stupid girn made my heart skip a beat.

But soon the girn dropped she saw something behind I turned to look behind me to find Daniel walking behind me. He came toward us and stop in front of us he first looked at me and than YN.

" Sorry... But I couldn't talk to you back there... But I wanted to congratulate for your wedding and I also hope we can start from a new page" He said to YN but she ignored him and turned to walk towards my seat and she just there. Not even looking in his direction.

" Right now I don't know what happened between you too but I can clearly see that my wife don't want you near her so STAY AWAY " I told it straight on his face and turned snd walk towards the car.

I opened the door and sat down soon followed by YN she comfortably st on my lap. And just like last thing she started opening my shirt buttons , slided her hands inside and hugged my bare chest. All while Daniel was seeing us. And what me feel more good is that I know she isn't doing it because Daniel is standing there but that was her originally moto and now she got a excuse. I drive out while looking at Daniel and winking at him. Which clearly made him jealous.

I slided my hand on her waist making her tighten her grip around me . I could feel her heart beat going fast by every second.

After some minutes she looked up and said " Aren't you curious who was he and what was he talking about? " " Ofc I am , I am just giving you time to tell me yourself " I said looking at her who was staring at my face so sharply. " I should just tell you..." She said and I parked the car nearby and looked at her while holding her waist by one hand.

She sighs and says "Daniel and I were frnds in high school , we were not close just frnds. Everything was fine until.... *sighs* he proposed me in front of the whole school.... and me having no feelings for him I didn't even take a second to reject him... and as he was the highschool heartthrob his ego was hurt badly. So he tooks some days leave and when he return he was different from the frnd I have.... to take his revenge he started bullying me."

She was about to continue further but the
word 'bullying' made my blood boil " HE DID WHAT!!? " I shouted. But to my surprise she chuckled and caresses my cheeks. " Calm down Mr. Husband, do you really think I would let anyone come and bully me after he tried to bully me for the first time I kick his balls hard and made him leave the basketball team as well.... as it was our final year I didn't saw after that" She completed and a proud smile crept on my face and I patted her head.

" That's my girl and now let's go and have your favorite street food. " I said and we went to eat and enjoy our evening.


Another day not normal day at Lee and Kim cooperation . Both Taehyung and YN are focusing on their new big projects together. Since their marriage they both have been getting projects together because of the strong aura both of them holds make it impossible for someone to even think of betraying them.

After working for two hours straight Taehyung decided to remove his focus from the computer screen and looked towards the beauty sitting next to him who is still focus on her work.

But some minutes after she gets difficulty in focusing. She looked towards her side to see if her awfully handsome husband staring at her soul which made her heart skip some beats but still somehow managed to put a straight face on.

" What do you think you are doing? " YN asked but he simply smirked and said " Nothing just looking at MY PROPERTY " " Huh? Excuses me?" Y/N asked again. " Now do I need permission to look at something which belongs to me? Huh? " Taehyung said rolling his eyes. YN was about to reply but couldn't because one the staff entered.

" Sir your new assistant is her. This is her bio " The employee gave the file and left. But Taehyung just rolled his eyes and went back on his work. " Aren't even gonna look who is your new assistant is? " YN asked at his actions. But he just shrugged. " So can I ? " YN asked. " You don't need to ask about anything to me or to anyone in this freaking world got that princess " Taehyung said making her blush.

But soon someone entered their cabin without knocking " Do I have to teach you how to knock? "  Both of them said in the coldest voice ever at same time not even sparing a glance to the person. Taehyung went to work but YN looked up to find " JUNHEE!!"

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