The crash

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                             arm. Pain all through my arm...all is fuzzy.. what happened? try to stand but stumble and fall to one knee. All I see is a fire and lungs they feel like they're burning. I drop to the ground so I can breath better.I try to crawl but pain zips through my arm,it's bleeding massively. I crawl with one arm away from the fire, I feel a tree trunk I use it to push my self up. Everywhere I look I see smoke and fire,I see the car in a blaze. I then hear a faint gushing sound and notice gas pouring out. My eyes widen with going to explode I turn the other way and stumble through the forest. Heat in a big wave hit me before I hear the explosion. It pushes me forward,and I land on my arm.

"AHHH!" my arm was shot with pain. I reach over and grip something sharp and metal. I grip it and pull it out. My arm is fill with excruciating pain I take the shard and use it to cut a piece of my shirt off. I take the peice and tie around the wound, hoping to stop the bleeding. Using my mouth a tie it off. I used a nearby tree to help stand. I stumbled from tree to tree making my way away from the explosion. The pain in my arm finally stopped me I stumbled in front of tree and fell to my knees. Even though I was a distance away from it, I could still see the fire, every breath had the smell of smoke on it.I leaned against the tree. I need a hospital. I needed help. I cried out desperate for help.

"H-Help... someone please!" I felt pain in my chest, I place my hand over my chest only to find more blood. It was a scratch across my chest, it wasn't too deep but, it still bled in large amounts.I again cried out.

"Help!! Anyone? Someone help!." From loss of blood my vison was going in and out. I see blurs of the trees and the night sky. As I look around hoping for a way out I see something come forward a all I see is a dark blur....n- not something....him..I see him approach me he comes close and ask me something. I don't understand all i hear is echoes. He takes me in his arms and picks me up. I can see he's taking me away from the glows of the fire, but deeper into the forest. I can barley make out a deep voice say

"Your safe now." Last thing I remember is I see small yellow lights coming from direction he was taking me. I then black out.

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