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He is so naive, believing he'll get the power once we get rid of Mark and Jack. But Wilfred is just a slave in this scheme,someone who will do the work for me. It was quite easy for him to agree to help me, I lie saying he'll get power over Mark and much more while I'll get power over jack. But that's not going to happen that pink bastard will rot down here, while I take Jack and Mark! For now we have to deal with getting him out of here.

I leaned back against the wall and petted mas,he purred in my hands. I herd a loud thump in the hall,then a grumble. I walked out into the hall and found Wilfred on the floor holding his foot next to some boxes. The boxes were grey,they looked to have jars in them. I gently nudged them with my foot.

"The hell are these?" Mas poked the jars with his tail and watched as the stuff in the jars squished.

"This is the stuff for the portal."Wilfred grinned at me like a child would when they showed u their art. He was a great slave,doing things for me with out me asking. I'm going to have to keep him,when I take over. 

"Good,this means we can create the portal, and then move into the second part of the plan."Wilfred  smiled and began to take out each jar. I took a box and moved it to the end of the hall way.

"Why do we need a portal to get out when you teleported in here? You can't just teleport us out of here?" Wilfred took the box down.l the hall to the end and sat it down.I sighed,no wonder he was chained up here by Dark, he was so simple minded. Though he was a good guy,he was very simple mind.

"We need a portal for you, I can Teleport out but I can't take you. I have to keep my power for the second part of the plan." Wilfred nodded and continued to take the jars out placing them in a circle.this is important if we wanted to transport ourselves to the right location. The place in witch we were teleporting to is a forest, we plan or rather I planned to make a stop,by old friends place. Wilfred has no idea of this and I plan to keep that pink bastard in th  dark of my true intentions. It would be a shame to have to lose a value slave. Wilfred stood up and brushed off his hands. His rat chirped from.his shoulder.if It was that rat would of been fed to mas. I shot each jar spilling their contents

I raised my arms and spoke the words "¥ØX·€(ya xaee)" green mist swirled inside the circle of jars and the portal appeared. I put my hands down and grinned at my work. Wilfred laughed and gazed at the portal.

" now we can go get our prize Wilfred, power will be all ours"  Wilfred rubbed his hands together and jumped in,with me hopping in after. Dark will be so happy to see me,he will.

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