An unexpected party

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(Y/n) trained so hard,sometimes she would faint from using all her energy, I would try to tell her she needs to rest her mind before she hurts herself, but she would hold her hand up saying she was okay. She was growing stronger each day, she could now move stuff with her mind (aka telekinesis),she found that out when she couldn't reach the bread. (Y/n),also developed teleportion,which I taught her my self since her power is more mental. It was easy to teach her, all she has to do is focus on a place and teleport. Since I taught her she has began Teleporting behind me and messing with me but,since I am a being of darkness I can Teleport through shadows and surprise her too. I leaned on the counter and watched through the window,as (y/n) practiced telekinesis on pebbles. She slowly moved a pebble, through the air, her eyes focused completely on the pebble, she was getting better and stronger. One thing did bother me though, her vision episode she had last week,she said she saw another guy one in a dark blue hoodie on. what could this guy want with Wilfred to set him free,it didn't make any sense. 

(Y/n) cry of pain snapped me back, she was on the ground holding her head. I slid over the counter to the back door and ran outside. I took her in my arms as she screamed.I took her in, laying her on the counter I grabbed a rag and wet it. I placed the rag on her forehead.

"(Y/n) focus, try to control the visions!" (Y/n) screamed and grabbed my hand squeezing so hard her knuckles turned white.

"I'm tr-AAAAHHHHHH" she screamed more, holding her head, tears streamed down her cheek. I couldn't do anything but hold a rag on her forehead, and hope she gets through this quickly.(y/n) screams turned to whimpers as the pain subsided. She lied on the counter, breathing heavily.She tried to sit up but I gently pushed her back down.

"No,you need to lie down. Now, tell me what did you see?" (Y/n) took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"I saw Wilfred and the guy again they were in a dark hall with boxes of jars. Then I saw a portal open then Wilfred jump in with the guy behind him goin in. Then, I saw trees from a opening,like a cave opening." Her voice was quivering, and her whole body was shaking. I ran my hand through my black hair. This means they have made it to the forest, they've gotten closer. I took(y/n) in my arms, carrying her to bedroom,there she could rest. I have to prepare for a attack, they could be inching their way toward us at this very moment.

I walked outside and looked around, I needed to put up a barrier to protect her, but before I do that, I should do a scope of the area,hopefully find Wilfred and his new buddy. I extended my wings to full length then lifted them up bringing them down,launching myself into the air and off I went.

I soared over the trees,searching for anything that was out of the normal. I didn't see anything except trees,trees and more trees. I was getting tired, my burned wing still hurt from my coffee. I slowed down and glided down to the forest floor, I could continue looking on foot. I landed with a soft thud as the air in my wings met with the ground. I folded them back and took in my surroundings. The forest was quite and calm expect for the occasional bird chirp like normal,but something was off, I could feel it. I walked through the brush and grass when a glimpses of pink caught my eye. I bent down and picked up a piece of pink confetti.

"Confetti, no one's camps in these woods so this is strange." I put it in my pocket before noticing a trail of  colourful confetti leading deeper into the forest. I  followed the trail, my guard up at all times, this could be a I followed the confetti trail I noticed balloons with happy faces on them appear on trees, and further down streamers were strewn from tree to tree creating a canopy.The trail stopped at a open area in the trees. There was a table with a cake,cups of juice plates and a bowl of chips. Chairs around the table had balloons tied to the back of them, I saw confetti scattered around the area, and a big present at one end of the table. I slowly approached the present, my hand in a dark flame ready for anything. I touched the outside of the present,causing the walls to fall revealing (y/n) tied up in a bow sitting in a chair,knocked out. I extinguished my flame and ran up to grabbed her when a green flame shot me back.

"Tsk ,tsk, tsk, don't you know you can't open a present till After the cake?"I stood up and saw someone I thought was dead behind (y/n) stroking her hair. My hand ignited into flames again, I stood ready to lounge.

"Antiseptic,i thought you were dead." My wings unfurled.I then felt a heavy object hit the side of my head from behind. I collapsed to the ground holding my head,antiseptic grinned and kissed (y/n)'s cheek.

"Well my friend, you thought wrong." Again I was hit in the head knocking me out.

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