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Once Wilfred hit dark a second time he smiled at me,he was a simpleton. (Y/n) was still out cold,she was elegent and gorgeous, yet power pulsed through her, I definitely should Keep her,maybe even turn her. I took a seat at the head of the table,and pulled (y/n)'s chair next to me. I cut my self a piece if cake and watched as Wilfred tied dark to the chair at the other end of the table.

"Wilfred how bout you take a seat and have a slice of cake while we wait for our dear friend to come to."He took a seat next to me and ate some cake. I looked at (y/n), she would be a excellent slave once I turn her.Poor Wilfred though he'll be stuck in the dungeon again. I couldn't help but grin at how evil I am. I took another slice of cake in a small celebration.

Dark finally gave a moan when Wilfred was on his 8th slice of cake. Dad is head slowly look up taking in his surroundings. He look across the table and spotted his dear knocked out girlfriend. Dark pulled against the registrations but,still stayed in one spot.he scowled at me as I took a bite of my cake.

"What's with the damn party?"He pulled against his restraints again. I let out a chuckle and stood, running my hand through (y/n)'s hair. Dark eyes flared with rage.

"oh dark, I may be evil and cruel but, I do enjoy a good party with cake."I knelt down next to (y/n) and cupped her chin in my hand. I looked at her soft skin and face. Dark growled.

"DON'T TOUCH HER."Dark' s wings pushed against the chair but to no avail. 

" dark how did you manage to snag such a cute slave? I will applaud you for bringing me such a Devine treasure.but, sadly she is no longer yours." With that i kissed (y/n)'s lips, as I did my aroa seeped on to her skin running across it leaving her tribal marks of swirls on her arms and neck.her skin turned from a soft beach tan to a soft grey.her hair streamed jet black. I pulled away braking the kiss, her eyes opened,her right one had a blue pupil, her left a dark red. Wilfred rushed behind her undoing the bow that held her. (Y/n) slowly stood and touched my chest. I wrapped a arm around her waist,pulling her close. Dark yelled, knowing (y/n) was turned, a slave to me. Dark' s power surged his arms burst into flames burning what held him down. His wings stretched out ,his eyes dark with power,he was pissed. Dark lounged at me, I smiled.

"Darling?" (Y/n) teleported in front of me,catching dark's full force.She threw him back, dark' s eye showed weakness for her,how cute. He teleported  out of the way to avoid (y/n). But, she met him again with a flying knife. She  raised her hand the silverware rising with it,(y/n) thrusted knives and forks at dark.he teleported out of each ones reach.

"Are you too afraid to hurt her,dark? She doesn't seem to have a problem hurting you." Dark growled and lounged at me,fist engulfed in dark flames I stood ready for impact. My arms shielded in dark green rock. As dark got closer (y/n) teleported in front on me ,taking full impact of the blow. It knocked her back,she hit a tree before going limp at the base of the tree. Dark backed up shocked she had protected me. His eyes of hurt turned cold,he looked at me and pointed.

" did this,this would of NEVER happened if your leprechaun ass hadn't showed up. Your going to pay!" Dark's whole body was engulfed in flames,I could see through them dark' s eyes,they were deep red and his new power pulse was stronger and bigger. I stood ready for any attack, I ignited one arm in green flames and the other in rock for protection. I rapidly fired at dark,but each shot bounced off. Wilfred had flipped the table and was shorting his pistol at dark(random thought the cake was placed on a chair so it was stafe ^~^)dark shot a dark string of fire at Wilfred it caught him and pinned him to a tree where it tied him up. I charged dark rock arm shielding,fire arm shooting. Dark teleported in front of taking my the throat. He lifted me in the air,his aroa pulsing in waves off him. 

" Hope you rot in hell,"his voice was distorted and deep. He grinned and thrusted his hand toward the ground a flaming chain whipped out if the ground,dark grabbed it and jerked it upward. The ground beneath my feet cracked and fell into it self reveling a casual of fire and wailing if the damned. More chain flew out of the casual,snaking their way around my lower body. Dark dropped me watching as I clawed at the ground as chains pulled me in.

"I don't want to go back to hell!" I screamed as I held tight to the ledge. Dark looked down at me with rage.

"Save me a spot in hell." With that he stomped my hand forcing me to let go and be dragged down to the depths of hell.

A Dark romance(A darkiplier x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now