A New Dawn

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"Hmmm, I think I'll place my X here!"wilferd then took the stone and placed an X in the center of the board a,drawing a line connecting the three Xs " aha!  I Win,finally won you scraggly rat!"a rat squeaked angrily,and threw a pebble at Wilfred's head.

" don't be a sour puss over losing one game .you beat 100 times!" Wilfred shook his head in disapproval,he sat back,not straining the chains around his wrist. He stroked his mustashe thinking.the rat swept the game away with its tail and sat down next to Wilfred,front legs crossed,stroking its whiskers to imitate the deep in thought Wilfred.

"Well, I beat you in tic-tac-toe,so what should we play now?"Wilfred jumped as man with a deep Irish accent,laughed and emerged from the shadows,and started to circle him. He had a hood on so, Wilfred couldn't see his face.

"How pathetic,a once powerful man now locked in his own dungeon,playing tic-tac-toe with a rat..quite sad actually."Wilfred tried to stand to meet eye to eye with the man but the chain pulled him back down.

"Who you calling pathetic! I am Wilfred Warfstashe!" The man laughed and leaned against the wall. The rat hissed and climbed up Wilfred's shoulder where he hissed again.

"Yes,I know who you are Wilfred,that's why I'm here. Im here to brake those chain around your wrist."the guy made his hand into a gun and shot green fire from his finger and broke the chains.Wilfred stood up, and looked at the man with awe. The rat hissed clearly disliking him. The man wicked grin could be see from under his hood. He pushed off the wall and stood in front of Wilfred, he whistled and a small black eye with green veins and a red pupil appeared,it rested on the man's shoulder and pureed. Wilfred watched as the man pulled back his hood revealing, his face.

The man eyes were two different colors,one green with a blue pupil the other black with a red pupil.his hair was brown and short but, a mess. He looked like he was irsh, with his skin tone. But there was a evil look to him.

"Who are you?" The man smiles a wicked smile and petted his small eye creature.

" I am the Antisepticeye. A pleasure to meet you."

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