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I screamed in agonizing pain as my energy drained  from my body. The power flowed through tubes across the wall. Wilfred bit into one and took in the power. His aroa seemed to grow stronger and I could feel it. He lifted his hand and shot a ball of energy at Dark. Dark hint the wall with such force,that any human would be killed,but he stood back up and glared at Wilfred, his glow darkened. Wisp of dark energy flowed from his body,his eyes darkened to the color of blood,it was terrifying.

"No....one hurts my girlfriend.No one."his voice was deeper than usual,and demonic. He exstended his wings to full length, and lounged at Wilfred. He was quick and agile Wilfred tried to dodge, but dark caught him in the arm and brought him to the ground,struggled under his grasp. Dark drew his arm back it ignited into dark flames as he pulled it forward.Wilfred pulled out of his grasp as dark hit the ground,barley missing his head. Wilfred fired another ball at dark,he side stepped out of the way and melted with the shadows.I turned looking for him, I saw a glimpse of movement but it vanished. Wilfred rolled his sleeve up and held his arm out turning slowly.

"Don't be a coward dark, come out of the shadows and show your dark face..." Wilfred blew a strand of hair out his face, he turned and looked at me and grinned." Aren't you just a helpful little angle..." He reached out to grab my face,when dark's hand grabbed his wrist and pulled it away.

"Dont touch her,"darks eyes flared with rage,he pulled back wilferds arm, Wilfred yelled in pain. Dark pulled back more smiling and laughing. He had the look of evil and enjoyment,of causing pain. Wilfred tried to pull away but dark twisted him around to face him. Dark grabbed both wrist and ignited Wilfred arm on fire, but the fire wasn't red it was black and smelled of death, he stumble backwards and tried to put the fire out, he yell in pain and rolled on the floor until,the fire was out he stumbled and stood firing another ball at dark.dark teleported out the way and closer to Wilfred,again he fired but dark teleported and grabbed Wilfred's throat he pushed him against the wall, Wilfred struggled under his grasp and tried to pull his hand away but nothing worked. Dark had a uneasy feeling to him,something about him was different,he was darker and evilier.

"you think, you can just walk into her dream and take her,and expect to beat me?expect to walk away with her?!" Dark tightened his grip, it was terrifying,this wasnt like him. Wilferd laughed with the breath he had, dark tightened his grip around his throat.I use my last bit of strength to call out to dark.

"Dark! You can't kill him.... you can't." Dark didn't brake his glare on Wilfred.

"Why are you protecting him?" His voice rough,but shaken. I took a deep breath gathering up my strength.

"I'm not protecting him!I'm protecting you!... you can't kill him because your connected! If you kill him you'll die too." I could barely see through the my tears, but I could see dark took this hard,. I tried to stand but the chains held me back.

"How do you know this? I don't believe it!" He stared at Wilfred face, he had a big grin across his bruised  face. 

" oh my dear dark,..she speaks the truth, we are connected, I too didn't realize this till I brought her here. When I came here I felt pain in my chest and sides, and I saw with my own eyes, a bruise on my chest and side... the places I had shot you with my gun....if you don't believe me take a look at your arms, you lit mine on fire and  I have burns I would check if I were you." Dark kept one hand on Wilfred and used the other one to lift his sleeve up.under his sleeve was scars. They wernt as bad as Wilfred but they were there just scratches on his wrist.He dropped Wilfred and stared at his arm.

"God Damnit!this doesn't any sense." Wilfred laughed and and sat on the floor. He was high from not enough oxygen, he wasn't a threat. Dark glared at Wilfred and looked at me" I may not be able to kill you, bastard, but that dose t mean I won't find a way to keep you away." He took the remote from Wilfred' s hat and pressed the relesase button,the chains around my wrist released me. I stood but stumbled dark caught me..I gave him a weak smile. He held me close and ran a hand through my hand. He kissed my forehead.

"I will never let any one hurt you again. I promise." He rested his head on mine. I missed this side of him, it was great having him back.

"What are we going to do with him?" I looked at Wilfred, he was loopy and going in and out.dark rubbed my back and glared at Wilfred.

"We could always chain him up, he wouldn't be able to get you," I shrugged,it was for the best. With him chained up it would be revenge and he wouldn't be able to cause anymore harm.

After dark had put the last chain on Wilfred's wrist, Wilfred laughed, pulled on the chains.

"Do you think you can just,me here? Ha!" Dark picked me up in his arms since I seemed to stumble when I stood. And started to walk back,Wilfred' s eyes widened he again pulled forward on his chains.

"Wait! Don't leave me here alone! What am I suppose to do?" Dark kissed my forehead and faced Wilfred.

"I don't, your the powerful one figure it out. Maybe you'll know what it's like to be alone for once."and with that dark walked out, leaving Wilfred chained,and alone. But he Wilfred cried out after us

"This won't be the last you'll see of Wilfred Warfstashe!!!"

"Come one,(y/n)let's go home."


Just a side note this is not the end of a dark romance, just the end of part one of the story, 

I will continue don't worry :3

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