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I watched as Antiseptic screamed,clawing at the ground to escape the chains of hell.He managed to gripped the side of the casm. I stepped closer and glared at him,he was going to burn in hell for what he did to (y/n). I stomped on his hand and press with all my power.

"Save me a spot in hell," he pulled his hand back in pain causing him to fall in hell, I could hear his screams as the crack closed behind him.that should take care of him.I redirected my attention to (y/n) limp under the tree. I ran over and dropped to my knees,her shirt was ripped and I could see She had a bruise on her chest, I searched for a pulse, I couldn't pin one down I couldn barley feel her life force anymore, it's was faint and distance like she was.... no... She can't....I gently took her limp body in my arms,holding her close to my chest, I held her head in my hand.

"C-come on...(y/n).. ju-just hold on please...I'm sorry... I didn't mean too..." my eyes welled up with tears, I couldn't lose the only thing I had, i couldn't."(y/n) please!...ju-just...hold on..." I held her limp body closer and put my head on he chest,tears streamed down my face, her life fore...I couldn't ....I gently wrapped my wings around us... Sh-she loved when I did that...I couldn't stop was gone,the one thing I held close,the only one I had ever loved,was gone.

"I'm sorry,... I didn't mean to hurt you.. I love you! Please just come back!...please..."my tears fell on her face rolling down her soft cheek, I wiped her cheek, running my hand through her hair slowly. I looked at her, and cried more.." h-hey, remember when I burned my wing on Coffee?...*sob* m-my wings better... thanks to you.. without I don't know what I'll do when I spill my coffee on me again..." I held her closer, my head on her chest. I rocked her back in forth in my arms like that...I felt something cold run down my neck, I looked at (y/n)...She had tears on the edges of her eyes... I swelled with more tears, she was alive!I put an ear to her chest,I could hear her heart beating faintly,her life force.was slowly coming back!

"(Y/n)... your alive..." I broke down and kissed her lips,her eyes slowly fluttered open she looked at me with her (e/c) eyes. She weakly took her hand,running it through my hair.

"Don't...cry...dark,"the marks on her skin were faded,I hadn't noticed but I didn't care. I brushed her cheek with my hand,tears making it hard for me to see.

"I- I'm so sorry,I-I-I never ment to hurt you....I'm sorry." I held her close she wrapped a arm around my neck. I stood up unwrapping us from my wings.

"Shhhh dark didn't mean too... it's okay, but your here now..... let's go home"she weakly smiled,I kissed her and stretched my wings out...I gracefully flew into the air above the trees and turned in the direction of home.

"Lets go home.."


EPILOGUE(3 years later)

(Y/n)'s appearance is almost back to normal expect for her right eye,it's still a red pupil with black eye color, it's a reminder of happened that day, but I don't care since she's safe with me. Wilfred,is back in the dungeon playing tic-tac-toe with a rat. He won't be getting out any time soon. I felt a small tug on my pants, I looked down at a dark haired, (e/c) and brown eyed, 2 year old little girl. Her small black wings fluttered. She had a zombie kitten shirt on and a zombie cat doll in her hand.

"Daddy, can you help me find Marko and mommy, we're playing hide and seek and I can't find them" I picked her up and kissed her forehead.

"Of course I can my little demon,Angel(her name is Angel)" I took her in to the living room and turned in a full circle till I spotted a small shoe hidden behind the chair. I put Angel down and quietly pointed at the chair. Angel smiled and ran behind the chair.

" I Found you!" She jumped upand down as (y/n) and Marko stepped out,he was 3. Marko had (h/c) hair, brown eyes, he wore a markiplier shirt and blue shorts. He giggled and ran towards me.

"Ima get you dad!"I bent down to catch him when he teleported on my shoulder, he giggle and hugged my neck.I gently flipped him over into my arms.

"Rawr! Who's got you now!" He laughed as I kissed his forehead.(y/n) smiled as Angel tackled my leg I picked her up and kissed her forehead too. Angel hugged her dead kitten tightly. (Y/n) came closer and kissed me. She smiled again her eyes twinkling.

" your so good with the kids." I kissed her back.

"Well, I love my little demons!" I put them down and they ran off laughing and playing. I grabbed (y/n)'s waist and pulled her close.

"And I love my wife too" I kissed her, making her smile. It was nice having a family. I started out a evil lonely being and became a loving husband and father to two little demons.

Life was perfect.:)



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