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His reaction shocked me,but it was comforting. Him holding me close made my insides flutter,I caught the smell of axe on his chest. It was comfortable, I didn't want to move. Something about dark changed, the look he had before hugging me was understanding and sadness. He look as if he knew those feeling all too well. But now this dark eyed, grey pale skin,darkiplier was hugging me,holding me close as if to comfort me....I layed my head on his chest and listen to his steady breath. It was calming. He pulled away but with those dark, mischievous eyes, I saw comfort and security. 

"I know how you feel... when I was first created I was filled with power,I felt as if I could do anything. I couldn't though but, I still became a great powerful being. Growing from the fandom that created me. But as time went on people began to grow on marks character  warfstashe and forgot about me.. I envyed all the attention he was getting and i lashed out at him. With all the attention warfstashe was getting he pushed me out and laughed. He said he was the star and no one would remember me. That struck something in me. I felt alone and forgotten,so I came to the woods to be alone since everyone had forgotten about me. After a while I became used to the quiet and solitude of the forest.  Being alone was apart of my life. And ever since then I've lived here alone..but when I felt your life force,and dremt of you, I knew needed to find you. And when I saw you I knew I need to save you. Now that your here,I know I made the right choice." 

I felt warm water run down my face,I was crying......all this emotion of being alone for so long and finding someone who knew how I felt. I couldn't help but cry. His story was sad and I knew that feeling that everyone forgetting you and you adjust to the loneliness. I cried more...i felt his hand wipe my tears away I looked at him. He looked into my eyes, and hugged me again.

"Its okay I know how you feel,but u dont have to fell alone anymore neither of us will." He held me close and tight,but not too tight cause my chest and arm to was calming...

I woke up to someone mumbling. I opened my eyes  and blinked the fuzziness away. Dark was sitting in his chair holding his foot and mumbling. I slowly sat up careful not to upset my wounds,but still I managed to hurt my chest by leaning too far. I sucked in a quick breath as the pain shot through my chest. Dark look over with his dark but concerning eyes and he put his foot down and stood. I put hand up to stop him but i balanced on the wrong side and again sent pain dancing through my body. I sucked in a quick breath and fell off the couch. I landed on my arm,making more pain dance.

"Damn it...." I tried to sit up but again hurt my self in the process. Dark got down and helped me back on the couch. He sat next to me ,watching me. It was weird at first glance anyone would of though he was vicious and evil, but get to know him he's not that bad. The evil appearance makes him looks kinda hot... again doesn't help he's wearing a button up shirt open with nothing under it. 

" how do you manage to hurt your self this much?" He gave a small chuckle,and I smiled at him.He looked at me with those eyes again. Those mischievous,but caring eyes, I wanted to melt. He looked deep in my eyes and I looked deep in his, we were so close,closer than heart was beat fast,my insides fluttered.  He touch my cheek,his hand was warm.i leaned into his hand,his touch was comforting. He then leaned forward and kissed me. His lips were soft,and tasted sweet. My whole body tensed at first but I relaxed. Dark pulled away slowly,leaving me blushing,and speechless.

"Dar-" he put a finger to my lips.

"Shhh..,just enjoy the moment." I blushed causing him to grin. He was amused by how he could make me blush.

A Dark romance(A darkiplier x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now