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I remember (y/n) kicking  and screaming as Wilfred took her through a dream portal. I tried to stand to stop him from taking her but, I collapsed back in the snow. He smiled at me and mocked me before taking her. I Don't remember anything after that..I blacked out.

I awoke up cold and alone, I was covered in snow. I stood up and looked around, I was in a forest in the winter, I could see nothing but trees and snow,I  didn't remember where I was,then I remembered what happened. I looked around the portal was gone,  I ran  and threw up snow hoping to find something to open the portal again but I didn't find any thing she was gone... I had lost (y/n),I fell on my knees in the snow. And place one hand in the snow. I felt warm tears run down my face, I sucked in my breath but again I cried. I threw my fist in the snow hitting the ground with all my anger behind it.

"WHY!?WHY?" I screamed, why  was i stupid and Let my ass get kicked, if I was only quicker. I could of saved her and prevented all this. I grabbed a handful of snow and threw it. 

" I am darkiplier! The evil being that haunted dreams! Why am I so weak and pitiful!" I screamed at the sky as if to I was expecting a answer. I grabbed another handful of snow and threw it. I went to grab more when I noticed something red under the snow. I grabbed it and pulled it up, I stood and laughed at what I found. It was Wilfred' s cloak the one he dropped when I showed up, I started serching it looking through pockets, and I found it. The ammo for his gun, the stuff Wilfred used was highly concentrated energy. I took 3 bullets and placed it in a triangle I crushed each one and said the words §Hæþ âlø and the portal appeared. I stood looking at the portal. When I see that  the pink bastard, I'm going to woop his ass. And I stepped through the portal.

The other side of the portal was dark, and quiet hall way lit only by torches, perfect for a dark being to use as cover. I leaned up the wall and blended with the shadows. I hadn't been a shadow in a while, so the transfer felt good. I creeped across the walls moving quickly and steadily, winding deeper into the halls. I passed a door when I heard crying, I broke from the shadows and peeked in the door way. I saw (y/n) on the floor in bright colorful chains. She was pale and had tears streaming down her face. I ran to her and hugged her close to me. I kissed her and looked at her skin. She was almost as pale as I was. She looked at me and held my arm.

"Dark, you came. But you shouldn't of..Wilfred, he'll hurt again." She cried, more. 

"If I didn't come he would of hurt you more, I can't let that happen. I'm getting you out here,"  I took the chain in my hands and twisted them, (y/n) cried out an  pain and fell in my lap, I then heard a chuckle behind me.

" I wouldn't do that if I was you, those chains are what keep her alive as she drains of power. So if u brake them, you kill her. Those chain are taking in her power, since I can't take from her directly."  I felt rage and anger fuel my power,I extended my wings and darkened my eyes. I turned torward Wilfred, just stood there twirling his gun.

"Let her go. And take me instead. That's what you came for." Wilfred grinned and brushed of his gun.

"Oh, that's what I did come for but, when your little daaarling released such force in the dream forest I knew she had much more power, much more. And with those chains harnessing her power, I will be stronger and take over Mark once and for all!"  I stood in front of (y/n) guarding her, I wasnt going to let him hurt her no more. I felt my aroa build, and I felt powerful, but i knew if I was going to save her was going to be cunning and knock him off his game.

" you think you going to stop me? Wilferd warfstashe! Oh I don't think so," he raised his gun and shot at me, I jumped and caught air in my wings. I dived down at him and tried to tackled him, dodged and fired again this time hitting my wing I dropped to the ground, and glared at him. I melted into the shadows as he fired. He stood and turned watching, when he turned his back to me I broke from the shadows and lounged at him knocking his gun out of his hand. I pinned him to the ground and punched him in the face but he threw me off and raced for the gun, I slid and reached for, barley grabbing. I lifted it it and pointed it at him,He raised his hands up in surrender and look down at the floor.

"You can't do anything now, your defenseless." I heard him give a small chuckle that grew into laughter. He put his hand down and looked at me with a grin

" oh, dark, did you think it was going to be that easy." He  smiled and took off his hat and pulled out a small remote and pressed a button. (Y/n)screamed in pain as the chain lit up exposing flows of energy through tubes that were run across the wall. Wilfred took a tube and bit into it and took in the energy. He took it from his mouth and laughed, I watched as power flowed through Wilfred' s body. He lifted his hand and shot an a ball of energy at me.  I hit the wall hard and fell, but I slowly stood back up. I glared at Wilfred,something in m snapped, the sound of (y/n) screaming awoke something, I felt fury, anger, rage and love build up. I felt darker and evil,  and I spoke my voice deepened

"No.. one. Hurts my girlfriend. No one."

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