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I awoke to the sound of water running. I slowly sat up and felt a twinge of pain in my arm I looked over to find my cut had a new fresh bandage on it. I then checked my chest,it too had a new bandage on it. I then notice I was no longer in my navy blue tee but in a black t-shirt That was too big for me. I was also in dark green plad pj pants. I looked around and noticed a first aid kit and alcohol on the coffee table. Who ever my rescuer was he knew what he was doing. I look around more and examined the room I was in,there was a large black recliner across from the couch,a large t.v and a side table with a lamp that provided most of light in the room.I layed back and noticed a large window above the couch I gently pulled the Curtin back to look outside. I was still Out in the woods but now in a cabin in the wood. I layed back down and rested a bit,my arm still hurt but,it had died down a little.I looked at the table again and noticed my phone. I reached over and grabbed it,surprisingly it had no damage on it. I unlocked it and was greeted by a smiling puppy screen shot. I let out a small laugh cringing as pain hit my chest. I was about to check my signal when I heard a deep voice that made me jump.

"Your not going to get signal out here." I looked over and saw a about 5' 10" man he had a dark black floof of hair, glasses,dark eyes and almost grey pale skin. He reminded me of someone I just couldn't place it. He wore a open red flannel shirt, with dark blue pajama pants. He had this look of mischief but Trust in his eyes. Something about him seemed so familiar,like I have seen him before. He smiled and took a seat In the recliner. I know.I've seen that where? The fluffy Hari the charming smile and the glasses....I've....wait I know.where I've seen him.

"Mark? can't." He gave a me a mischievous grin.

"Oh so you've connected some dots, I will tell I'm not Mark but I am. I'm the darkside of him." He gave a little chuckle. I new little about darkiplier but, I knew he was a fandom the community made up.

"Why did u save me,if your the dark side of mark,why did u take care of me?" He relaxed in his chair and Crossed his legs.

"If you must know I was drawn to you,your life force was strong and caused me to find you." He looked at me and his look made my stomach flutter. Why? I sat up slowly and faced him.


"Please call me dark,"

"Dark,.. um why did find me?" He leaned forward and grinned

" your full of questions but,what the hell. I found you when I had a dream of a car and fire. So I decided since there's a road on the edge of the woods I'd  take a walk around the area.I felt your life force and heard your cries. I followed the force and found your car ingulfed in flames. I then heard you cry for help and I found you under the tree. Thats it." I leaned back and took in what he said. I then thought back to what he had said to me.

"Why did u say your safe when u picked me up." I must of caught him off guard cause he blushed and rubbed his shoulder.

" you heard that?....I thought You were unconseious...I don't know why I said that I just did..." he blushes and seemed to be embarrassed that I heard him. He was kinda hot when he blushed it didn't help he had his shirt open and showing his chest. He was fit and he did have a little bit of a 6 pack..he looked over at me and stood up. 

"You should rest, you need it." He walked down the hall and stopped in front of a door, but before entering he looked back a me.

"Goodnight, (y/n)." He then disappeared into the room. I satthere staring down the hall. How did he know my name...I...didn't tell him... I don't know, I should sleep like he said I need it. I rolled over and closed my eyes. 

A Dark romance(A darkiplier x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now