PART TWO(counties from power)

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 It had been 6 months since my tassel with Wilfred,he hadn't done much since he was chained up in his own dungeon. I took a drink of my coffee, I liked it black with nothing. I thought about how we were connected, what connected us together?maybe it was because we were both apart of Mark, maybe... that would make sense why if one died the other did. It still was surprising to find out, I flicked my tongue out in thought, and ran my hand through my hair. I then felt a hand run down my chest from behind,.I felt my wings twitch at the touch,(lol wing boner)I turned around and wrapped my arms around(y/n) and pulled her close, I kissed her cheek and nibbled on her weak spot on her neck. She gave a little moan,and blushed. We have been dating for almost 6 months and I still mange to make her blush. I unfurled my wings and wrapped her it in them she loved it when I did that, she freed herself from my arms and kissed me deeply, she gently pushed me agaist the counter and kissed me again, my wings unwrapping from around us as she ran her hands across my chest.

"Oh you like when I run my hand down your chest?.. your wings give it away so much.."I couldn't help it when my wings got twitchy at her touch. She then, slowly moved her hand down my chest and stomach torwads the edge of my pajama pants, I couldn't help it and my wing twitched knocking my coffee over. I flinched in pain as hot coffee spilt on my wing.

"Son of a bitch, that burned!" I pulled away and tucked my wing in,(y/n) gave a small laugh and grabbed a towel to clean up the spill. 

" oh come here twitchy wing, let me see it so I can make sure your okay." I extended my wing flinching as (y/n) touched where I was burnt. She shook her head and smiled.

"What's that about missy?" She poked my chest and reached in the cabinet and pulled out the first aid.

"You, managed to woop warfstashe' s ass without a scratch, but you spill a little coffee on your wings and you burn sir,are a confusing guy." She gently applied burn cream on my wing and wrapped it. Only the corner of my of my left wing was burnt so it was easy to wrap. I tucked my wing back in,then took a seat on the counter.(Y/n) put the first aid back up and kissed me. My stomach growled loudly.She laughed.

"Looks like someone's Hungary. I think I should make some breakfast,you want some more coffee?" She giggled at her last statement. I playful bit at her, and kissed her. It was nice having a loving girlfriend and have a almost normal life, but something told me it wouldn't stay like this for long.I just shrugged it off and kissed (y/n ) as she made some eggs.

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