An old friend

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I cried out in pain as the ropes around my upper body tightened around my chest.

"Aaaahhh, please stop let me go!" The ropes tightened more and herd a chuckle,I couldn't see where it was coming from but I new it was near.

"Oh daaarrling your not going anywhere..." the voice slured it words and chuckled more. The snow against my knees was soaking through and my legs were wet and cold.

"Why are you doing this to me! Ahhh!!!" The ropes again tightened and I herd the voice again but from behind me. I felt a gloved hand gently run against my cheek.I flinched at the touch and tried to bite it. It quickly pulled away and the voice again chuckled

"your just adorable when your mad." It cooed in my ear. I I recognized the voice but I couldn't tell who it was. I saw someone walk in front of me,they wore a red I couldnt see their face.

"Oh my sweet daaarling, you not going anywhere till I get my prize..." it was the voice he was showing him self but not his face ,he bent down in front of me and laughed. He again brushed his hand against my cheek, slowly moving it to my chin,cupping my chin in his hand." I see why dark, has such deep feelings for you. Your simplily gorgeous.. " I pulled out of his grasp and glare at him.he stood and turned torwarda the tree line of the forest.

"How do u know dark!" He snapped his fingers and the rope pulled closer. I gasped for air.

"Tsk,tsk,tsk. My dear (y/n) don't get too feisty, or I'll have to kill you,and I don't want to paint the lovely white snow with your pretty blood."he snapped again and the ropes eased.the snow made him stick out surely someone, maybe even dark would find us.

"That precisely my point,dear. I Want him to find us." I looked at him in shock how did he know what I thought?.. could he read my min-I heard the sound of wings then foot steps. Out of the shadows of the trees I saw dark step out,he see me to be glowing with darkness.I was happy and relived to see him.the guy in the cloak laughed and extended his arms out greeting dark.

"Dark, my good friend it nice to see you..." dark glared at him, and looked pissed off.

"Let her go,now" Darks glow darkened and his wings extended. The cloaked guy dropped his cloak exposing him self. He was as tall a dark and wore glasses,but he wore a pink top hat,a pink and white vertical striped suit and he had a pink mustashe. I gasp, it was Wilfred Warfstashe, dark was surprised at first but his face turned cold again,this time with more anger.

"No hello? Or how have you been, but what do I expect you were a sour one. Well, I will tell you I'm not letting her go." He smiled. Dark's glare darkens

"What are you doing here."

" oh me? Well I was in the neighborhood and decided to drop by to see my old friend." This pissed off dark more.

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Fine I'll tell you, I came here for you. You see with me being the star of the fandom I got power, and I want more. And you have power, I can feel it. And I want it" Wilfred grinned and stroked his mustashe.

" you bastard! What dose this have to do with her?!"dark clenched his hand into a fist. Wilfred just laughed.

" It's quite simple,I put girl in harm's way her boyfriend comes running to save her. So hoped into her dream and took over knowing you'll jump In to save her." Dark lounged at Wilfred and tackled him,and started pounding on him. Wilfred pulled out a gun and shot a pink wave in darks chest. Dark was thrown off him and landed in the snow dark slowly tries stand up holding his chest, Wilferd kicked him in the chest,knocking him back in the snow.

"Wilferd don't take shit, from nobody. And once your dead I can take your power and take over Mark," Wilfred coked the gun and pointed it at darks face. Tears ran down my face as I watched dark helplessly fight back as Wilfred shots of pink energy at dark. Dark tried attacking but each shot knocked him down, he stood up as Wilfred fired a shot, dark blocked it but it shot him back making him hit a tree, he groaned in pain. He dark glow fading, he looked at me. Wilfred stood in front of him and aimed the gun at darks head, I cried, then felt something tug at me and I screamed.

" NOOOOO! Don't hurt him!" A shock wave shot out from me. Knocking Wilfred over and shooting the sky.he stood readjusting his hat on his head.he grinned at me.

" you are the one I've been feeling, that was a tremennous amount of power my dear, your the one I need,not dark." Dark tried to stand again but staggered and fell to the snow. Wilfred picked me up a nd threw me over his shoulder. He shot 3 times at the ground and said "§Hæþ âlø"( shaw balo) and a portal appeared. He looked looked at dark in the snow and smiled.

" it been fun,dark but I must go now. Buh bye!" With me over his shoulder Wilfred jumped in the portal and off we went.

A Dark romance(A darkiplier x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now