Dark love

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I brushed her cheek,I hated seeing her hurt herself, how she manage to do it amazed me. I looked at her she blushed but leaned in to my hand.we were so close, my heart was beating quickly,I felt the darkness around it swirl and loop. I leaned closer and kissed her. Her lips soft,and sweet. I was gentle not being to rough with it. My body felt a static charge when my lips touched her. I slowly pulled away,not wanting to leave to kiss. She looked at me blushing,.

"Dar-" I put my finger to her lips,

"Shhh just enjoy the moment." She blushed. I loved it when I could make her blush,it brought a grin to my lips. I put a arm around her waist, and pulled her closer and again pulled her in for a kiss. This time it was deeper, and felt a change in my body,one I hadn't felt in a long time. One of power and being loved ,she leaned back on the couch and I leaned with her,still locked in a kiss. I place one hand on each side of her head and each knee on either side of he legs.and I slowly slipped my forked you've through her lips and meet with hers. She moaned slightly at the touch of my tongue. I gently ran my hand through her hair, it was soft. And as I did I felt my wings gradually unfold. Luckily she didn't seem to notice them.(y/n) wrapped her good arm around my neck. I moved down to her neck and gently nibbled on the chrest where her shoulders and neck met. She bit the bottom of her lip, and blushed. She enjoyed when I nibbled here. I grinned and looked down at her, she was so cute and beautiful. It was sad how anyone could leave  her alone. She tried to lift up her arm to adjust but she cringed.

" just lie still, you need to rest that arm,if you wish for it to heal." I kissed her forehead and she smiled. She then looked at me in awe. 

"'What is it,my dear?" She reached behind me and gently touched my wings. I had forgotten they had unfolded in the process of kissing her.

" you have wings.....they're amazing,  Like a bats but, elegant and black." I twitched them slightly at her touch. It had been awhile since I had stretched them out. She cautiously sat up and examined them.

"How do they go through,your shirt without ripping it? " I smiled.

" I have special cloths that allow my wings to dissolve through them without ripping."She look at my wings in amazement, as I wrapped us in them. She again touched them, running her hand over them. (Y/n) looked at me, her eyes sparkling, I saw she enjoyed being with me. My heart skipped a beat,someone loved me, and I loved them. (Y/n) rubbed her eye and yawn,her yawn was adorable. She looked at me sleepishly,I too yawned. All that excitement must of wore us out,and it was pretty late.I unwrapped my wing around us and tucked them back under my shirt.

"We should sleep.." She yawned again and begun to lay back down on the couch.I picked her up in my arms and grinned.

" oh no,your not sleeping on the couch after that,your coming with me." She smiled and kissed my cheek. I carried her to my bedroom where I layed her down on the bed. She snuggled under the dark blankets getting comfortable. I slid under the blankets and wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to me. She nuzzled my chest and closed her eyes. I held her close and listened to her soft breathing slow as she drifted off to sleep. (Y/n) was adorable when she slept. I kissed her forehead and fell asleep. 

I felt (y/n) move under my arm,then I herd her softly whimper. She moved again but more quickly. She again thrlashed and slid her legs violently up and down the bed. I sat up and noticed she was griping the sheets so hard her knuckles were white. She  cried out 

"Dark, ..... help... please No! Don't ...... don't leave me...." tears formed at the edges of her eyes , she was having a nightmare. She thrlashed around violently, hitting her arm on the bed  with such force she cried out with pain. I grabbed her and yelled her name.

"(Y/n)!! Wake up! Your having a nightmare! Wake up its not real!" She squirmed in my arms but didn't wake again crying out.

"PLEASE! Stop! Dark no!!" I shook her and yelled her name but she still remained in her dream. I finally touched her forehead and whispered something in thought I'd never say again. 

"Ðü§Ø råmëï§!"( pronounced du-sa Ray -minis) and I entered (y/n) dream.

A Dark romance(A darkiplier x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now